
Facebook GroupPage Posts Extractor & GPT Analysis

Download and analyze Facebook Group and Page posts with one click, gaining deep insights powered by GPT.

hellowinkanca: Facebook Group Analytics

Kanca is an application to analyze Facebook Group activity. Its key features are: Local Development Requirements Installation IDE/ Text Editor/ OS Configuration

All You Need To Know About Facebook Group Insights

Facebook Analytics (Group Insights) is a master at showing the customer journey. Also, it excels in audience details, focusing on demographics ...

Facebook Group Analytics

You will be able to assess your Page's growth, reach, and engagement, as well as some demographic information about your audience. Facebook Growth. This is the ...

Analyze Facebook Group Posts Sentiment & Save in Google Sheets

This workflow automates the process of analyzing the sentiment of posts in a Facebook Group and saving the results into Google Sheets.

Using Facebook Group Insights

With Group Insights, admins of groups larger than 50 members are able to see real-time stats that reflect growth, engagement and membership.

How to Use Page Insights to Analyze your Facebook Group Results

That way, you can get really in depth. Group insights help you understand how members engage there. They also let you see who the most active members are. You ...

View insights about a Facebook group you admin

Group insights provide metrics about your group, including member activity and engagement within the group.

Monitor Facebook Groups

Suitable for brands, marketers, and community managers, Groouply specializes in groups analysis, providing detailed and easy monitoring.

An Analysis of the Internal Organization of Facebook Groups

Our results provide important insights about the behaviour of users in the context of social groups and reveal that the majority of the groups ...


DownloadandanalyzeFacebookGroupandPagepostswithoneclick,gainingdeepinsightspoweredbyGPT.,KancaisanapplicationtoanalyzeFacebookGroupactivity.Itskeyfeaturesare:LocalDevelopmentRequirementsInstallationIDE/TextEditor/OSConfiguration,FacebookAnalytics(GroupInsights)isamasteratshowingthecustomerjourney.Also,itexcelsinaudiencedetails,focusingondemographics ...,YouwillbeabletoassessyourPage'sgrowth,re...