How to Import an RSS Feed to Facebook

FacebookRSSFeed.CreateRSSfeedsfromanypublicFacebookpageorgroup.JustcopyandpastetheFacebookURLbelowtogetstarted.,2019年6月29日—Right-clickonfolder/Latest/StarreditemsandselectPublicfeed,thenclickEnable.Unsubscribeisonthesameright-clickmenu.Same .....。參考影片的文章的如下:


Create Facebook RSS Feeds

Facebook RSS Feed. Create RSS feeds from any public Facebook page or group. Just copy and paste the Facebook URL below to get started.

Facebook Page to RSS?

2019年6月29日 — Right-click on folder/Latest/Starred items and select Public feed, then click Enable. Unsubscribe is on the same right-click menu. Same ...

Facebook to RSS

FetchRSS allows You get RSS feed from any Facebook user. Generate RSS XML file for any Facebook url.

How to Convert Public Facebook Pages to RSS Feeds?

1. Inoreader. Inoreader automatically converts Facebook pages to RSS feeds for you, simply enter the Facebook page URL and the app will recognize it as a ...

How to Get the Facebook RSS Feed for Pages and Instant ...

2018年9月14日 — You'll then need to connect the RSS feed to your Facebook Page. You can do this by using the Publishing Tools in your Facebook Page. Click ...

How to make an RSS feed for your Facebook Page

2023年7月10日 — Log in to Zapier, click the Create Zap button, and select Facebook Pages as the trigger app and New Post to Your Timeline as the trigger event.

How to Make Facebook Posts From an RSS Feed

2023年1月13日 — Open the IFTTT Create page, and log in or create an account if necessary. Select If This, choose RSS Feed, and pick New feed item.

Unlocking the RSS Feed of Any Facebook Page: A How

2024年2月21日 — Go to, and enter the URL of the specific Facebook page from which you wish to generate an RSS feed.


FacebookRSSFeed.CreateRSSfeedsfromanypublicFacebookpageorgroup.JustcopyandpastetheFacebookURLbelowtogetstarted.,2019年6月29日—Right-clickonfolder/Latest/StarreditemsandselectPublicfeed,thenclickEnable.Unsubscribeisonthesameright-clickmenu.Same ...,FetchRSSallowsYougetRSSfeedfromanyFacebookuser.GenerateRSSXMLfileforanyFacebookurl.,1.Inoreader.InoreaderautomaticallyconvertsFacebookpagestoRSSfeed...