

評分 4.2 (258) · 免費 · iOS This app will show you! Just install this application and we'll send you a notification when someone unfriends you or block you! It's easy and simple!

在App Store 上的「Unfriend

評分 3.6 (25) · 免費 · iOS 需要iPadOS 15.0 或以上版本。 iPod touch: 需要iOS 15.0 或以上版本。 Mac: 需要macOS 12.0(或以上版本)以及配備Apple M1(或以上 ...

Unfriend Notify for Facebook

This extension sends a notification each time a friend deletes you from Facebook.

Unfriend Finder

Unfriend Finder. unfriend-app.com. 3.0 ... This extension sends to Facebook users notifications when someone unfriends them from Facebook.

Unfriend Finder

This extension sends to Facebook users notifications when someone unfriends them from Facebook. By Clicking on the notification users will find out who deleted ...

Unfriend Finder For Facebook

評分 3.9 (7,756) · 免費 · Android This app will show you! Just install this application and we'll send you a notification when someone unfriends you or block you! It's easy and simple! Notes:

Unfriend Finder For Facebook

評分 3.9 (7,752) · 免費 · Android · 有沒有想過,為什麼你的朋友的數量發生了變化?這個程序會告訴你! 只需安裝此應用程序,當有人unfriends您或您阻止我們會向您發送通知! 這很容易和簡單!

Unfriend Finder for Facebook

To see who deleted you from Facebook, you have to download the browser extension. Please install the extension and reload this page. Get the extension from ...

Profile for Unfriend Notifier

Unfriend Notifier helps you know who has unfriended you in Facebook. You can also track who has deactivated the account or resumed back.

如何檢查被刪除FB好友裝上《 Unfriend Finder 》就可一目了然

就如同標題喔,本篇要介紹的瀏覽器外掛《 Unfriend Finder 》,安裝之後,只要有人刪除你的FB 好友,你就會馬上獲得通知,整體來講,玻璃心勿裝喔。


評分4.2(258)·免費·iOSThisappwillshowyou!Justinstallthisapplicationandwe'llsendyouanotificationwhensomeoneunfriendsyouorblockyou!It'seasyandsimple!,評分3.6(25)·免費·iOS需要iPadOS15.0或以上版本。iPodtouch:需要iOS15.0或以上版本。Mac:需要macOS12.0(或以上版本)以及配備AppleM1(或以上 ...,ThisextensionsendsanotificationeachtimeafrienddeletesyoufromFacebook.,UnfriendFinder.unfriend-app.com.3.0...Thi...