Dr PC Jr Facemaker | CREEPY unlicensed game

Doyouthinkofchangingyourprofilephotoorjustwanttocreateyourownanimecharacter?Thisgameiswhatyouwherelookingfor!,AlsopublishedonAtari8-bit,Commodore64,Electron,MSX,TRS-80CoCoandVIC-20,thiseducationalgameisabandonwareandissetinapre-school/toddler ......。參考影片的文章的如下:


Anime Avatar - Face Maker

Do you think of changing your profile photo or just want to create your own anime character? This game is what you where looking for!

Download FaceMaker

Also published on Atari 8-bit, Commodore 64, Electron, MSX, TRS-80 CoCo and VIC-20, this educational game is abandonware and is set in a pre-school / toddler ...

Face Maker

How to play Face Maker. Each game uses different controls, most DOS games use the keyboard arrows. Some will use the mouse.


FACEMAKER is the perfect educational game for young computer users. Because FACEMAKER is a fun way to learn how to use the computer. FACEMAKER is really ...

FaceMaker (1982)

2002年6月10日 — Then make your newly created faces blink, wiggle their ears, wink, or razz you. You can even play a Simon Says.. type game where your face ...


faceMaker is a free web app to create custom cartoon avatar and profile picture ... You decide how your game, movie, or cartoon figure looks like. How old are ...

Facemaker details

Description: FACEMAKER is the perfect educational game for young computer users. Because FACEMAKER is a fun way to learn how to use the computer.

Facemaker Details

Facemaker is a an educational game meant for younger children. At it's simplest level, you simply get to design a face by choosing different eyes, noses, ears, ...


Doyouthinkofchangingyourprofilephotoorjustwanttocreateyourownanimecharacter?Thisgameiswhatyouwherelookingfor!,AlsopublishedonAtari8-bit,Commodore64,Electron,MSX,TRS-80CoCoandVIC-20,thiseducationalgameisabandonwareandissetinapre-school/toddler ...,HowtoplayFaceMaker.Eachgameusesdifferentcontrols,mostDOSgamesusethekeyboardarrows.Somewillusethemouse.,FACEMAKERistheperfecteducationalgameforyoungco...

FaceMaker 3.2 - 來給自己做一張卡通頭像吧!

FaceMaker 3.2 - 來給自己做一張卡通頭像吧!
