
Can GitHub be considered a FAIR repository

GitHub is convenient for making data accessible. However, one important FAIR principle, F1, is that “(meta)data are assigned a globally unique ...

Meta Research

FAIR's research platform for object detection research, implementing popular algorithms like Mask R-CNN and RetinaNet. Segment Anything · Facebookresearch/detectron2 · Facebookresearch/faiss

hotosmfAIr: fAIr - AI Assisted Mapping Tool

fAIr is a free and open-source AI service that allows OSM community members to create and train their own AI models for mapping in their region of interest.

wubaFair: A Flutter package used to update widget tree ...

Fair provides standard widgets, which can be used as a new dynamic page or as part of an existing Flutter page, such as typography/style modification of ... README-zh.md · Issues · Pull requests

OMS-NetZeroFAIR: Finite-amplitude Impulse Response ...

A simple climate model, or emulator, useful for producing global mean temperature projections from a wide range of emissions or prescribed forcing scenarios.

liutongkunFAIR: Frequency-aware Image Restoration for ...

This is the official implementation for the paper 'Frequency-aware Image Restoration for Industrial Visual Anomaly Detection'.


FAIR, a collaborative robot company that prioritizes independent research and development of all core components. 50 followers · 0 following.


Command line tool to analyze a GitHub or GitLab repository's compliance with the fair-software.eu recommendations. HTML 59 24.


fairseq2 is a sequence modeling toolkit that allows researchers to train custom models for content generation tasks. Who uses it? Many FAIR teams utilize ... Install From Source · Setup.py · Issues 64 · Pull requests 15

FAIR Research (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable)

Best practices, tools and tips for integrating FAIR data principals into your daily work - FAIR Research (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable)


GitHubisconvenientformakingdataaccessible.However,oneimportantFAIRprinciple,F1,isthat“(meta)dataareassignedagloballyunique ...,FAIR'sresearchplatformforobjectdetectionresearch,implementingpopularalgorithmslikeMaskR-CNNandRetinaNet.SegmentAnything·Facebookresearch/detectron2·Facebookresearch/faiss,fAIrisafreeandopen-sourceAIservicethatallowsOSMcommunitymemberstocreateandtraintheirownAImodelsfor...