
Fairfield, California

Fairfield is a city in and the county seat of Solano County, California, United States, in the North Bay sub-region of the San Francisco Bay Area.

Things To Do In Fairfield CA

Fairfield CA has miles of hiking and biking trails expanding over open, rolling grasslands with oak forests and alongside pristine marshes.

Visit Fairfield and Downtown Fairfield CA

Located 45 miles from both San Francisco and Sacramento and just 15 miles from the world-famous Napa Valley, visitors will find Fairfield full of open spaces, ... Best Burgers In Fairfield CA · Coffee Shops in Fairfield CA · Events · W

Fairfield | Development, Population, & Map

Fairfield, city, seat (1858) of Solano county, north-central California, US. Adjoining Suisun City to the south, Fairfield is located 45 miles (70 km) ...

Profile for City of Fairfield, CA - Government

Residents are encouraged to tune in and stay informed about Fairfield's progress and vision. For more information, call (707) 428-7611. Fairfield, CA ...

City Departments

City Departments: City Manager's Office, Community Development, Finance, Fire, Housing Services, Human Resources, Information Technology, Parks and Recreation, ...

About Fairfield

Fairfield is a vibrant, safe, affordable and diverse community with robust commerce and thriving businesses.

Fairfield, CA: All You Must Know Before You Go (2025)

Fairfield is known for some of its popular attractions, which include: Scandia Family Center · Rockville Hills Regional Park · Wooden Valley Winery · Travis Air ...

Fairfield CA Real Estate & Homes For Sale

Zillow has 232 homes for sale in Fairfield CA. View listing photos, review sales history, and use our detailed real estate filters to find the perfect ... Fairfield CA Condos · Fairfield CA Townhomes · Houses for Sale in Fairfield · 94


FairfieldisacityinandthecountyseatofSolanoCounty,California,UnitedStates,intheNorthBaysub-regionoftheSanFranciscoBayArea.,FairfieldCAhasmilesofhikingandbikingtrailsexpandingoveropen,rollinggrasslandswithoakforestsandalongsidepristinemarshes.,Located45milesfrombothSanFranciscoandSacramentoandjust15milesfromtheworld-famousNapaValley,visitorswillfindFairfieldfullofopenspaces, ...BestBurgersInFair...