
Fairfield by Marriott

Amenities at most properties include a pool, whirlpool, health club, same-day dry cleaning, vending machines, free Wi-Fi, an ergonomic desk and chair, a ...

Fairfield by Marriott

Enjoy a beautifully spacious stay in over 950 locations worldwide with Fairfield by Marriott. Discover what sets our reliable, business hotels apart. Hotel Finder | Our Locations · Hotel Amenities · Offers · Our Story

Marriott Fairfield Inn and Suites住宿資訊、相片和旅客評語

評分 2/10 (1) 布拉夫頓太陽城歡朋套房飯店 · 游泳池 · 免費早餐 · 歡迎寵物入住 · 免費停車. 8.8 分,滿分10 分, ...

斯奈德Fairfield Inn & Suites by Marriott Snyder(2025 年最新房價)

評分 7.9/10 (117) · 每日提供超值優惠,近期房價每晚最低只要 TWD 2,343 起(買貴退差價) Fairfield Inn & Suites by Marriott Snyder 位在斯奈德。這間3 星級飯店設有健身中心,提供附WiFi(免費)和私人衛浴的空調客房。這間飯店有室外游泳池和24 小時櫃檯服務 ...


評分 8.3/10 (759) · 每日提供超值優惠,近期房價每晚最低只要 TWD 3,300 起(買貴退差價) Fairfield by Marriott Taichung 位於台中,距離逢甲夜市1.5 公里,有健身中心、免費私人停車位和餐廳。這間飯店提供WiFi(免費),距離國立臺灣美術館約6.9 公里,距離台中火車 ...

台中萬楓酒店Fairfield by Marriott Taichung 的個人檔案

台中萬楓酒店Fairfield by Marriott Taichung · 「逸趣之旅」入住禮遇套餐 即日起開放預訂 3月17日至6月10日期間限定專案,➕加價59元,享翌日雙人早餐及獲得 手工點心套組 , ...

Taichung Hotel | Fairfield Taichung

評分 4.1 (955) · $ Rates Vary (Book Directly with Marriott Bonvoy to Get the Best Rates) Reserve your stay at Fairfield by Marriott Taichung in the Xitun District of Taichung City offering spacious hotel rooms and business amenities

台中萬楓酒店(西屯) - 92 則旅客評論和比價

評分 4.0 (147) · (根據標準客房的平均房價) NT$4,076.00 - NT$5,555.00 房间空间相当不错,周末假日价格约莫三千初含双早来说具有竞争力,只是要订的早,不然真的会没房拿! 值班经理Daniel 也能注意到住客建议的提供,特别在我退房时前来打招呼!!

飯店Fairfield Inn & Suites by Marriott New Castle, 美國

評分 8.4/10 (1,649) 進行住宿比價並搜尋在New Castle, 美國的Fairfield Inn & Suites by Marriott New Castle 飯店最划算的價格。檢視17 張飯店圖片和1649 條評論。飯店?trivago!


Amenitiesatmostpropertiesincludeapool,whirlpool,healthclub,same-daydrycleaning,vendingmachines,freeWi-Fi,anergonomicdeskandchair,a ...,Enjoyabeautifullyspaciousstayinover950locationsworldwidewithFairfieldbyMarriott.Discoverwhatsetsourreliable,businesshotelsapart.HotelFinder|OurLocations·HotelAmenities·Offers·OurStory,評分2/10(1)布拉夫頓太陽城歡朋套房飯店·游泳池·免費早餐·歡迎寵物入住·免費停車.8...