Iñigo Serrano



Fairfield Greenwich Group

Fairfield Greenwich Group is an investment firm founded in 1983 in New York City. The firm had among the largest exposures to the Bernard Madoff fraud.

Fairfield Sentry Limited (in Liquidation) (Appellant) v Alfredo Migani ...

Fairfield Sentry Limited (in Liquidation) (Appellant) v Alfredo Migani and others (Respondent) Judgment given Contents Case summary

Fairfield Sentry

What happens when avoidance claims under foreign insolvency law face off against US bankruptcy law's safe harbor provisions?

Fairfield Sentry Ltd (in liquidation) v Bank Julius Baer & Co Ltd

Fairfield Sentry Limited (Sentry), a BVI registered company, was a well known feeder fund for Bernard L Madoff Investment Securities Limited (BLMIS).

Fairfield Sentry

The purpose of this website is to provide investors and creditors of the Company and other interested parties with copies of press releases and other relevant ...

About the Fund

Sentry was the largest feeder fund into BMIS with approximately $7.2 billion invested as at the end of October 2008.

Revisiting Fairfield Sentry and the clawback of redemption proceeds

Fairfield Sentry (Fairfield) was the largest feeder fund into the Ponzi scheme perpetrated by Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities LLC.

[PDF] Chapter 15 Fairfield Sentry Limited, et al.

Fairfield Sigma, in contrast, was an indirect feeder funds, established to facilitate investment in BLMIS through Fairfield Sentry for foreign.

Wolf Popper LLP | Fairfield Sentry Limited Fund

Wolf Popper LLP specializes in plaintiff-side complex litigation, including the prosecution of class and direct securities actions on behalf of ...

