The FAST Exam, Part 2




The FAST (Focused Assessment with Sonography in Trauma) examination focused on identifying free intraperitoneal or pericardial fluid in blunt trauma patients.


This Harvard Medical School Continuing Education video examines these key questions: What are the indications and limitations of the FAST ...

FAST | Sonoguide

The FAST exam evaluates potential spaces where free fluid could accumulate. These potential spaces are located in the pericardium, right upper ...

Focused Assessment with Sonography for Trauma (FAST) Exam

This article describes FAST exam image acquisition: patient positioning, transducer selection, image optimization, and exam limitations.

Focused Assessment With Sonography for Trauma - StatPearls

The Focused Assessment with Sonography in Trauma (FAST) is an ultrasound protocol developed to assess for hemoperitoneum and hemopericardium.

Focused assessment with sonography for trauma

Focused assessment with sonography in trauma (commonly abbreviated as FAST) is a rapid bedside ultrasound examination performed by surgeons, emergency ...

Focused Assessment With Sonography in Trauma (FAST)

Focused Assessment With Sonography in Trauma (FAST) is an ultrasound protocol developed to assess for hemoperitoneum and hemopericardium.

How To Do E-FAST Examination

E-FAST (Extended Focused Assessment with Sonography in Trauma) is a bedside ultrasonographic protocol designed to detect peritoneal fluid, pericardial fluid ...

The FAST and extended FAST examinations

This review will describe the technique used to conduct the FAST and eFAST exams, and will discuss the usage and limitations of the FAST-ABCDE.


TheFAST(FocusedAssessmentwithSonographyinTrauma)examinationfocusedonidentifyingfreeintraperitonealorpericardialfluidinblunttraumapatients.,ThisHarvardMedicalSchoolContinuingEducationvideoexaminesthesekeyquestions:WhataretheindicationsandlimitationsoftheFAST ...,TheFASTexamevaluatespotentialspaceswherefreefluidcouldaccumulate.Thesepotentialspacesarelocatedinthepericardium,rightupper ...,Thisart...