New Capture One Features Make Everything Faster



CaptureFast Homepage

AI-Based document capture application CaptureFast helps businesses to digitize documents. Provides data extraction in complex documents.


2024年1月3日 — Record the screen, take and annotate screenshots, capture events and technical details and file bugs faster for FREE!

Enable Faster, More Efficient Photo Editing with Capture ...

2023年1月25日 — ... faster speeds and better performance for Capture One users. Equipped with more cores, more threads, and both Intel Thread Director and Deep ...

FastStone Capture

FastStone Capture is a powerful screen capture, screen recorder, and image editor all in one. A handy capture panel is accessible to users, enabling them to ...

Fast Capture

Fast Capture can be used to capture a resource-demanding application, like a modern game. If you are playing a game which is using a lot of your computer's ...

The Best Screen Capture Software

FastStone Capture saves images in BMP, GIF, JPEG, PCX, PNG, TGA, TIFF, WEBP, FSC and PDF formats. Built-in screen recorder saves videos in MP4 and WMV formats.

Download FastStone Capture

2023年12月26日 — A single executable file that installs the application in your computer. Recommended for most users. ... A zip (compressed) format of the exe file ...

FastStone Capture中文版下载安装

FastStone Capture软件在屏幕捕捉、滚动截屏、屏幕录制、图片处理方面能力十分突出, 帮助用户以专业的方式来创建所需图片或视频。 · 入门教程 · 使用技巧 · 获取帮助 · 了解更 ...

Fast Capture

Fast Capture is a mobile job site inspection app allowing you to capture and share project observations from your iPhone, even when offline.


AI-BaseddocumentcaptureapplicationCaptureFasthelpsbusinessestodigitizedocuments.Providesdataextractionincomplexdocuments.,2024年1月3日—Recordthescreen,takeandannotatescreenshots,captureeventsandtechnicaldetailsandfilebugsfasterforFREE!,2023年1月25日—...fasterspeedsandbetterperformanceforCaptureOneusers.Equippedwithmorecores,morethreads,andbothIntelThreadDirectorandDeep ...,FastStoneCaptureisap...