How to Remove the Seen at Time feature on Facebook

FBunseen-Chromefreedownload-Blocksthe”seen”featureofthefacebookmessenger.Sickofthenew'seen'featureoffacebook?Removethereadreceipts ...,評分3.8(98)·免費·下載Firefox上的FBunseen。Blocksthe”seen”featureofthefacebookmessenger,andyourfriendswillnolong...。參考影片的文章的如下:


FB unseen - Chrome

FB unseen - Chrome free download - Blocks the ”seen” feature of the facebook messenger. Sick of the new 'seen' feature of facebook? Remove the read receipts ...

FB unseen – 下載 Firefox 擴充套件(zh

評分 3.8 (98) · 免費 · 下載Firefox 上的FB unseen。Blocks the ”seen” feature of the facebook messenger, and your friends will no longer be able to see if you read ...

Unseen - Chat Privacy

Hides the ”Seen” feature from Facebook™ chat and Messenger of your friends. Blocks Delivery receipts, ...

Unseen - Chat Privacy

facebook.com和messenger.com上運行。 如果您不想隱藏您的操作,請在必要時使用Fb Unseen,並輕鬆地在菜單中將其關閉。 通過Facebook看不到的隱私。

Blocks the seen feature of the facebook messenger.

Sick of the new seen feature of facebook? Block the read receipts with this extensions and your friends will no longer be able to see if you ...

[Chrome] Facebook Unseen 讓您已讀不回!

在Facebook Unseen 選項設定裡,把「Blocks」的第二項「Block the typing indicator of the chat」打勾,就能隱藏「正在輸入訊息…」的通知,接著把底下「Support」的選項取消 ...

Unseen - No Last Seen

評分 4.5 (372,965) · 免費 · Android Ultimate Text and instant messaging app! Messaging app helps you read your messages without worrying about others knowing you've seen them! Unseen · Unseen Messenger · Googl

Unseen Messenger - Deleted Msg

評分 4.0 (10,991) · 免費 · Android With this Unseen Messenger application, you can view all messages and notifications from installed application in one single screen.

does anyone know facebook messenger unseen extension that still ...

I created a Chrome extension for Facebook that allow you read message without sending read receipt. 91 upvotes · 72 comments ; Looking for an ...

Facebook Unseen Extension - Not working anymore

The facebook/messenger unseen extension stopped working for me. Read the reviews and the consensus seems to be that it's due to a new facebook update.


FBunseen-Chromefreedownload-Blocksthe”seen”featureofthefacebookmessenger.Sickofthenew'seen'featureoffacebook?Removethereadreceipts ...,評分3.8(98)·免費·下載Firefox上的FBunseen。Blocksthe”seen”featureofthefacebookmessenger,andyourfriendswillnolongerbeabletoseeifyouread ...,Hidesthe”Seen”featurefromFacebook™chatandMessengerofyourfriends.BlocksDeliveryreceipts,...,facebook.com和messenger.com上運...