How to use ffmpeg to downmix 5.1 DTS HD MA or Dolby ...




DTS(Decoding Time Stamp, 解码时间戳),表示压缩帧的解码时间。 PTS(Presentation Time Stamp, 显示时间戳),表示将压缩帧解码后得到的原始帧的显示时间。

MKV with DTS

I have a series of MKV files that use DTS audio encoding. They are no longer playable through Video Station on any web browser on any platform, ...

FFmpeg command to recode DTS HD MA? - LG Smart TV

Go to your emby server system directory and find ffmpeg. Then at a command window use the following to ADD an AC3 track and make it the default track.

Need help with ffmpeg dts encoding

A quick test shows 768 dts is about 20% larger than 640k AC3, while the 1536 dts is just as large as the wav. Do these numbers look right?

Encoding audio in DTS in multi

ffmpeg can encode 5.1 DTS. It uses the number of input channels whenever possible unless you explicitly set something else. So either you set ...

ffmpeg concat produces DTS out of order errors

All videos for FFMPEG concatenate should have matching encoding, fps and so on, otherwise you'll get unexpected results.

FFmpeg display dts during encoding

Is there a way to display the dts value in a non-corrupt packet'd video? Since I'm trying to remove duplicated frames, there's no way to find out how much more ...

Using ffmpeg to convert DTS audio track to AC3 and add back into ...

This creates a separate file with the AC3 track instead of DTS. How do I instead just add the AC3 stream back into the MKV as an additional audio track?

How do I extract DTS core from a DTS

I'm trying to extract the DTS core from a DTS-HD MA track using ffmpeg running on a Linux dedicated server.

Change DTS-HD 7.1 to AC3 5.1 : rffmpeg

I'm trying to change the audio on the movie from DTS-HD 7.1 to AAC 5.1, as my TV doesn't support DTS. Tried some tools but they all extract the video and take ...


DTS(DecodingTimeStamp,解码时间戳),表示压缩帧的解码时间。PTS(PresentationTimeStamp,显示时间戳),表示将压缩帧解码后得到的原始帧的显示时间。,IhaveaseriesofMKVfilesthatuseDTSaudioencoding.TheyarenolongerplayablethroughVideoStationonanywebbrowseronanyplatform, ...,Gotoyourembyserversystemdirectoryandfindffmpeg.ThenatacommandwindowusethefollowingtoADDanAC3trackandmakeitthedefaulttrack.,Aquicktestsh...