
Windows Explorer port to open

Stupid question: What port do I need to open on my firewall to allow remote users to access a share on my file server?

ES File Explorer Open Port Vulnerability - CVE-2019-6447

ES File Explorer (File Manager) is a full-featured file (Images, Music, Movies, Documents, app) manager for both local and networked use!

Windows client connectopen to a Shared Folder on a non

It uses TCP ports 139 and 445 by default. With a normal explorer (explorer.exe) we can normally get shared resources by connecting to the target ...


在Windows Server 2008 和更新版本,以及Windows 的Vista 和更新版本中,預設的動態連接埠範圍已變更為下列範圍:. 啟動連接埠:49152; 終止連接埠:65535.

Windows File Sharing with SMB

In modern and supported versions of Windows, File and Printer Sharing services use TCP port 445 for direct TCP/IP communications. When you need ...

Windows file explorer using port 80 (webdav) instead of 445 (samba ...

I have a Windows 7 Ultimate x86_64 machine, which is failing to access a network samba server. I launch the Run dialog, and type in --192.168.xx.

Which port is used to access NAS device on network through file ...

The NAS-devices use SMBv2. The protocol uses port TCP 445 (see https://www.netify.ai/resources/protocols/smbv23).

What port or ports are used for File sharing in windows?

If the server has NBT enabled, it listens on UDP ports 137, 138, and on TCP ports 139, 445. If it has NBT disabled, it listens on TCP port 445 only.

What port(s) do I need to forward to allow me to browse my Windows ...

Just SMB on port 445 is the default on current systems.

What is an SMB Port + Ports 445 and 139 Explained

An SMB port is a network port commonly used for file sharing. IBM programmer Barry Feigenbaum developed the Server Message Blocks (SMB) protocol in the ...


Stupidquestion:WhatportdoIneedtoopenonmyfirewalltoallowremoteuserstoaccessashareonmyfileserver?,ESFileExplorer(FileManager)isafull-featuredfile(Images,Music,Movies,Documents,app)managerforbothlocalandnetworkeduse!,ItusesTCPports139and445bydefault.Withanormalexplorer(explorer.exe)wecannormallygetsharedresourcesbyconnectingtothetarget ...,在WindowsServer2008和更新版本,以及Windows的Vista和更新版...