
8 Best Free File Search Tools

2024年2月28日 — Wise JetSearch is a free file search utility that can search for files on any attached drive in Windows. It can search for files on NTFS or FAT ...

Find Files in Windows 10

You can search for files directly from the Start menu, or from within File Explorer. The search within File Explorer offers more advanced search ...

Find Things Faster

2022年4月1日 — Open File Explorer and navigate to the folder you want to search within. Click in the search field. You should see a list of items from previous ...

How to find any file on Windows

2024年3月23日 — Hit Alt + Space to bring up the search box in the center of the screen, then type out the name of the file you're looking for. It's useful to ...

The Ultimate Guide To Windows File Search

2023年5月16日 — Click on the search bar in File Explorer. · Type in the search term you want to find. · Click on “Search” and select “This PC” from the dropdown ...

Win File Search

2022年11月23日 — Win File Search is a plugin for File Explorer. It adds a advanced search menu item into folder context menu of File Explorer.

Windows Basics

To search for a file (Windows 10):. In the Search Box next to the Start button, type to search for a file. The search results will appear above the search box.

在Windows 中尋找您的檔

從工作列開啟檔案總管 ,或選取並按住[開始 ] 功能表(或以滑鼠右鍵按一下) 、選取[檔案總管 ],然後選取搜尋位置: 若要從您的電腦和雲端快速尋找相關檔案,請從首頁搜尋。 若要尋找儲存在資料夾內的檔案,請從[下載] 等資料夾進行搜尋。


2024年2月28日—WiseJetSearchisafreefilesearchutilitythatcansearchforfilesonanyattacheddriveinWindows.ItcansearchforfilesonNTFSorFAT ...,YoucansearchforfilesdirectlyfromtheStartmenu,orfromwithinFileExplorer.ThesearchwithinFileExploreroffersmoreadvancedsearch ...,2022年4月1日—OpenFileExplorerandnavigatetothefolderyouwanttosearchwithin.Clickinthesearchfield.Youshouldseealistofitemsfromprevious ......

UltraSearch 4.6.3 快速尋找檔案的好幫手

UltraSearch 4.6.3 快速尋找檔案的好幫手


MasterSeeker 1.2 - 快到難以置信的檔案搜尋

MasterSeeker 1.2 - 快到難以置信的檔案搜尋
