
開啟CIFS SMB UNC 連線應開放哪些Ports 與注意事項

要避免這個風險,只要將TCP Port 445 關閉就能避免被遠端操控的命運。 對PsTools 有興趣的人可以在TigerLin 的部落格找到一篇[IT工具] 管理Server 的狙擊槍 ...

What Are SMB Ports?

SMB ports are used for file sharing, enabling programs and services on networked computers to communicate with each other.

List of TCP and UDP port numbers

This is a list of TCP and UDP port numbers used by protocols for operation of network applications. Ephemeral port · Port (computer networking) · QOTD · Echo Protocol

Understand Windows File Share Ports: A Guide

While Port 139 and Port 445 are the most commonly used ports for Windows File Sharing, there are other ports and considerations to be aware of. For example, if ...

SMB - File and printer sharing ports should be open

Learn how to keep file and printer sharing ports open for Server Message Block (SMB)-based network services and resolve the Best Practices ...


本文內容. 本文討論microsoft 用戶端和伺服器作業系統、伺服器型程式及其子元件在microsoft Windows server system 中所用的必要網路連接埠、通訊協定 ...

Windows File Sharing with SMB

In modern and supported versions of Windows, File and Printer Sharing services use TCP port 445 for direct TCP/IP communications. When you need ...

What port or ports are used for File sharing in windows?

If the server has NBT enabled, it listens on UDP ports 137, 138, and on TCP ports 139, 445. If it has NBT disabled, it listens on TCP port 445 only.

What is an SMB Port? A Detailed Description of Ports 445 + 139

An SMB port is a network port commonly used for file sharing that is susceptible to an exploit known as EternalBlue exploit that resulted in ...

What is an SMB Port + Ports 445 and 139 Explained

An SMB port is a network port commonly used for file sharing. IBM programmer Barry Feigenbaum developed the Server Message Blocks (SMB) protocol in the 1980s ...


要避免這個風險,只要將TCPPort445關閉就能避免被遠端操控的命運。對PsTools有興趣的人可以在TigerLin的部落格找到一篇[IT工具]管理Server的狙擊槍 ...,SMBportsareusedforfilesharing,enablingprogramsandservicesonnetworkedcomputerstocommunicatewitheachother.,ThisisalistofTCPandUDPportnumbersusedbyprotocolsforoperationofnetworkapplications.Ephemeralport·Port(computernetworking)·QOTD·EchoProtocol,WhilePort1...