The BEST Windows Optimizer For Windows 11

HelloNikkho.Thetrojan/malwareinthepreviousversionthatgotmeintroublepertainedtothepenultimateupdate(the14.20.2553version).( ...,It'safalsepositive.YoucanlinktothescanusingtheAntivirusScanjustbelowthedownloadbuttonontheFileOptimizerPortable ...,Fil...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Are there any virus in the latest version?

Hello Nikkho. The trojan/malware in the previous version that got me in trouble pertained to the penultimate update (the 14.20.2553 version). ( ...

File optimizer has a virus

It's a false positive. You can link to the scan using the Antivirus Scan just below the download button on the FileOptimizer Portable ...


FileOptimizer is a lossless file size optimizer supporting AIR ... Virus Total reported that 6 of its 56 virus scanners detected malware.


Unfortunately we'll have to hold off on this one for now. It's currently flagged as a virus by 5 antivirus programs. I'm not saying that it it's ...

FileOptimizer flagged as ransomware

FileOptimizer flagged as ransomware. Adrassus. By Adrassus November 30, 2020 in Ransomware.

FileOptimizer [FileOptimizerSetup.exe]

Prognosis - Is FileOptimizer safe? We have determined FileOptimizer to be clean and safe to download. Virus tests for FileOptimizer ...

FileOptimizer.exe Windows process - What is it?

How to remove the FileOptimizer virus. Most antivirus programs identify FileOptimizer.exe as malware—for example TrendMicro identifies it as TROJ_GEN.

Why is FileOptimizer always flagged heavily for containing viruses ...

Why is FileOptimizer always flagged heavily for containing viruses and trojans? ... If your app is clean, there has to be a way to avoid this, as ...


無文件惡意軟體可以執行傳統的基於文件的惡意軟體變體可以執行的任何操作。這包括充當資訊竊取者、勒索軟體、遠端存取工具包(RAT) 和加密挖礦程式。


當伺服器管理的所有用戶端在「手動掃瞄」、「即時掃瞄」、「預約掃瞄」和「立即掃瞄」期間於壓縮檔中偵測到病毒/惡意程式,而且符合下列條件時,用戶端會清除或刪除中毒 ...


HelloNikkho.Thetrojan/malwareinthepreviousversionthatgotmeintroublepertainedtothepenultimateupdate(the14.20.2553version).( ...,It'safalsepositive.YoucanlinktothescanusingtheAntivirusScanjustbelowthedownloadbuttonontheFileOptimizerPortable ...,FileOptimizerisalosslessfilesizeoptimizersupportingAIR...VirusTotalreportedthat6ofits56virusscannersdetectedmalware.,Unfortunatelywe'llhavetoholdoffonthi...