


Driver Store

2017年9月2日 — On a Windows 10 device, search for “Feedback Hub” in Cortana search, then launch the app. 2. Navigate to Feedback in the left menu, then ...

What is file repository folder and can we delete it?

2014年6月11日 — The driver store is located under C:-Windows-System32-DriverStore-FileRepository. Windows keeps a copy of every driver you install in a ...

How to Clean DriverStore and FileRepository Folders in ...

2022年8月11日 — In other words, Shift + Delete those folders. We strongly advise against that to prevent potential Windows stability issues that may happen ...

Clean FileRepository Folder in DriverStore (Windows 10)

2019年1月4日 — Basically you can delete all of the folder contents in Windows 10 — but this might be unsecure, and you might face with errors, crashes etc.

What is FileRepository folder, is it possible to delete it

The FileRepository folder in the Windows 10 operating system is not self-cleaning by default. Accordingly, the longer the system works without reinstalling ...

How to clean DriverStore FileRepository in Windows 11 & 10

2023年12月20日 — How to clean the FileRepository Folder in DriverStore · Method 1 – Using Command Prompt · Method 2 – Run a script · Method 3 – Disk Cleanup.

How to Clean up DriverStore FileRepository in Windows 11 ...

2024年2月5日 — FileRepository is a folder in Windows 10 and 11 to store the 3rd party and OEM driver packages. Before the drivers are installed they are ...

How to safely cleanup DriverStore folder in Windows 1110

2023年11月13日 — You can safely clean up or delete the contents of the DriverStore File Repository folder in Windows 11/10 by using this method.


C:-Windows-System32-DriverStore-FileRepository文件夹太大要怎么处理?可以直接删除吗?windows版本是windows10家庭版。,2017年9月2日—OnaWindows10device,searchfor“FeedbackHub”inCortanasearch,thenlaunchtheapp.2.NavigatetoFeedbackintheleftmenu,then ...,2014年6月11日—ThedriverstoreislocatedunderC:-Windows-System32-DriverStore-FileRepository.Windowskeepsacopyofeverydriveryouinstallina ...,2022年8月11日—...