
Couldn't load 'XPCOM'

2020年11月25日 — Hi Sweetcorn024: First, make sure you computer is not infected with malware that might have corrupted your Firefox user profile.

Firefox always say

2018年8月12日 — You always have to remove the Firefox program folder and possibly disable your security software or boot Windows in Safe Mode to get a clean ...

Firefox doesn't open. Couldn't load XPCOM

An error message about XPCOM or about platform version usually happens because of a failed Firefox update that left you with a mixture of old and updated files ...

Firefox on start says couldn't load XPCOM

2013年1月17日 — Uninstall your current Firefox version, if possible, to cleanup the Windows registry and settings in security software. Do NOT remove personal ...

Firefox XPCOM error Couldn't load XPCOM (Solved)

2023年11月17日 — This guide contains instructions to resolve the Firefox XPCOM error: Couldn't load XPCOM, in Windows 8, 7 or Vista.

How to Solve “Firefox Couldn't Load XPCOM”

2023年7月7日 — The XPCOM error in Firefox commonly occurs after a Windows Update and may be caused by various factors like third-party extensions. If you ...


2020年11月25日—HiSweetcorn024:First,makesureyoucomputerisnotinfectedwithmalwarethatmighthavecorruptedyourFirefoxuserprofile.,2018年8月12日—YoualwayshavetoremovetheFirefoxprogramfolderandpossiblydisableyoursecuritysoftwareorbootWindowsinSafeModetogetaclean ...,AnerrormessageaboutXPCOMoraboutplatformversionusuallyhappensbecauseofafailedFirefoxupdatethatleftyouwithamixtureofoldandupdatedfiles ......

Font Loader 1.2 臨時載入字型的方便工具

Font Loader 1.2 臨時載入字型的方便工具
