How to Sync Chrome With Firefox



Is there a way to keep Firefox & Chrome synced?

2023年7月22日 — I know I can import history, bookmarks, passwords, etc. from one browser to another on demand, but is there any way to keep them synced…


从Google Chrome 切换到Firefox 简单而且毫无风险!Firefox 能够自动把书签、密码、历史和其他数据从Chrome 导入过来,您不用担心这会删除或干扰Chrome 的设置。

Switching from Chrome to Firefox

Firefox can automatically import your bookmarks, passwords, history, and other data from Chrome without deleting it or interfering with any of its settings.

If there an auto syncing extension between Chrome and ...

2019年6月1日 — For syncing bookmarks between Firefox and Chrome you can use Eversync. The extension is available on firefox here: ...

Firefox sync on Chrome

2020年4月29日 — Sync is designed to help move bookmarks, passwords and other data between copies of Firefox, but let's look at the issue you raise a different ...

支援度超廣的瀏覽器外掛Syncmarx,幫你同步書籤還放在 ...

2020年12月26日 — 不論是Chrome Sync 或是Firefox Sync,這些同步服務只限原廠瀏覽器使用,雖然能跨電腦使用同步服務,但跨瀏覽器這點,除非這些公司之間突然大和解決定攜手 ...

sync firefox and chrome

Hi. There is no way to sync between browsers on the same device. This support article should help if you are looking to bring bookmarks over from Chrome to ...

從Google Chrome 轉換到Firefox

您可以簡單且容易的從Google Chrome 轉換到Firefox!Firefox 可以自動轉移您在Chrome 上的書籤、密碼、歷史和其他偏好設定,且不會刪除或妨礙到任何其設定。試試看吧。

