
Firefox Send

Firefox Send was a free and open-source end-to-end encrypted file sharing web service developed by Mozilla. ... It was operational from August 1, 2017 until July ...

Firefox Send

Upload the file to send and you will get a link that you can share with people who you want to send the uploaded files to. You can choose the number of days to ...

Introducing Firefox Send, Providing Free File Transfers ...

2019年3月12日 — With Send you can share file sizes up to 1GB quickly. To send files up to 2.5GB, sign up for a free Firefox account. Send makes it easy for your ...


2021年5月22日 — Simple, private file sharing from the makers of Firefox - mozilla/send.


FirefoxSendwasafreeandopen-sourceend-to-endencryptedfilesharingwebservicedevelopedbyMozilla....ItwasoperationalfromAugust1,2017untilJuly ...,Uploadthefiletosendandyouwillgetalinkthatyoucansharewithpeoplewhoyouwanttosendtheuploadedfilesto.Youcanchoosethenumberofdaysto ...,2019年3月12日—WithSendyoucansharefilesizesupto1GBquickly.Tosendfilesupto2.5GB,signupforafreeFirefoxaccount.Sendmakesiteasyfo...