
Profile Creation

The user can create a new profile through the Profile Manager. This can either be done on about:profiles in a running Firefox or by starting Firefox with the -- ...

Profile Manager

Select the profile to remove and click Delete Profile… in the Choose User Profile window, or click the Remove button in the About Profiles page under the name ...


Firefox stores your personal information and settings in a profile folder. Find out what is in your profile and how to locate it.


Recover user data missing after Firefox update 說明如何用設定檔管理員來在各設定檔間切換(有多個時)。 備份與還原Firefox 設定檔 說明如何備份、還原使用者設定 ...

使用設定檔管理員建立或移除Firefox 設定檔

如果您在替另一個安裝的Firefox 建立使用者設定檔的話,請參見Using a dedicated profile for Firefox Nightly 或Using a dedicated profile for Firefox Beta。 如果您 ...

How to Create and Manage Multiple Profiles in Firefox

2024年1月3日 — To open the About Profiles page, type: about:profiles into the address bar and press the Enter key. You can create a new profile from this page ...

Deleting a Firefox browser profile

Open the Windows Start menu and select Run... · Type firefox.exe -profilemanager and click OK. The Firefox - Choose User Profile dialog opens.

How to create multiple FireFox profiles and manage them ...

2022年10月2日 — Open FireFox to a new tab, and in the URL bar type about:profiles . · At the top of the page is a button that says Create a New Profile - click ...

How to Create a Firefox Profile

By default, your profile will be stored in C:-Documents and Settings-username-Application Data-Mozilla-Firefox-Profiles. You may specify a different location ...


TheusercancreateanewprofilethroughtheProfileManager.Thiscaneitherbedoneonabout:profilesinarunningFirefoxorbystartingFirefoxwiththe-- ...,SelecttheprofiletoremoveandclickDeleteProfile…intheChooseUserProfilewindow,orclicktheRemovebuttonintheAboutProfilespageunderthename ...,Firefoxstoresyourpersonalinformationandsettingsinaprofilefolder.Findoutwhatisinyourprofileandhowtolocateit.,Recoveruserdata...