
2017 Summer Universiade

... (FISU), held in the city of Taipei, Taiwan. It took place from August 19 to ... 2017 Taipei Summer Universiade Organizing Committee Office Entrance. A ...

Athletics at the 2017 Summer Universiade

Athletics was contested at the 2017 Summer Universiade from August 23 to 28 at the Taipei Municipal Stadium in Taipei, Taiwan.

FISU General Assembly 2017 in Taipei

The Taipei 2017 Summer Universiade will begin on 19 August, celebrating sport education and culture with more than 7,700 students from 150 countries competing.

29th Summer Universiade

Since winning the right to host the event to after the FISU flame was extinguished to mark the end of Summer Universiade 2017, Taipei's commitment to urban ...


2021年3月9日 — The 2017 Summer Universiade in Taipei holds a special place in FISU history as it was a remarkable event showcasing sports, cultural activities ...


Discover FISU.tv, your home for live streaming of international university sports competitions and national championships from around the world.


...(FISU),heldinthecityofTaipei,Taiwan.IttookplacefromAugust19to...2017TaipeiSummerUniversiadeOrganizingCommitteeOfficeEntrance.A ...,Athleticswascontestedatthe2017SummerUniversiadefromAugust23to28attheTaipeiMunicipalStadiuminTaipei,Taiwan.,TheTaipei2017SummerUniversiadewillbeginon19August,celebratingsporteducationandculturewithmorethan7,700studentsfrom150countriescompeting.,Sincewinningtherig...