Features6WorkStation(Make,Drinketc.6functionstobedeterminedbyyou.)Abilitytoenter3optionalitemswhilemakingitems/foods.,A2ndVersionofmyoriginalBrownsGoodEatsButBETTER!SideNote:IwasnewtomakingFiveMScriptswhenIreleasedtheoriginalBrownsGood ...,Burger...。參考影片的文章的如下:


FiveM FoodRestaurant Job V2 (ESXQB)

Features 6 Work Station (Make,Drink etc. 6 functions to be determined by you.) Ability to enter 3 optional items while making items/foods.

[QBESX] [FREE] Make Unlimited Custom Food Items with Props

A 2nd Version of my original Browns Good Eats But BETTER! Side Note: I was new to making FiveM Scripts when I released the original Browns Good ...

Add a bit more food and beverages to your ESXExM server

Burger, Pizza, Chips, Fried Chicken, Donut, Ice tea, Coca cola, Coffee, Monster energy drink, Redbull, and a few alcoholic beverages.

Vivi4nviv_snackies: A ESXExM script that adds more ...

A ESX/ExM script that adds more foods and drinkables to your server. Requirements: The latest version of ESX/ExM framework.

TestarosseasyStatus: Fivem food water management ...

easyStatus. Fivem food water management, works with ESX, ND_Core, and ox_core. use exports['easyStatus']:statusUpdate(foodDelta ...


This script allows you to make normal items to food or drinks. Food and Drinks can be registerd in the Config File with Custom Animation and Prop.

Food Delivery - ESX

Description. This plugin adds a location ingame called Food Delivery, at this location players can sign in to start delivering food from various companies.

Gas Station Food & Drinks V2

FEATURES 115 usable food + drinks with effects + custom brand props + custom animations for your server. Eat + Drink real custom brand food + drinks (no GTA ...

ESX & QB Compatible - [FREE] Pickle's Consumables

2.3K views · 6:02. Go to channel · Fivem how to add Food and Drinks Props with Ox Inventory. Vihtal•18K views · 11:38. Go to channel · Why There ...

How To Add New Food & Drink To Your ESX Fivem Server [Guide]

In this guide are resident dev Ghost is showing how to add new food and drink items into your Fivem ESX Server.


Features6WorkStation(Make,Drinketc.6functionstobedeterminedbyyou.)Abilitytoenter3optionalitemswhilemakingitems/foods.,A2ndVersionofmyoriginalBrownsGoodEatsButBETTER!SideNote:IwasnewtomakingFiveMScriptswhenIreleasedtheoriginalBrownsGood ...,Burger,Pizza,Chips,FriedChicken,Donut,Icetea,Cocacola,Coffee,Monsterenergydrink,Redbull,andafewalcoholicbeverages.,AESX/ExMscriptthataddsmorefoodsanddrinkab...