Microsoft Fluent Design System

Contentdesigneasescomplextasksbyhighlightingkeydecisions,prioritizingnextsteps,andsimplifyinginteractions.,Designprinciplesareasetofvaluesthatexpressasharedvisionandhelpguidedecisionmaking.Theyinfluencehowproductdesignersapproachandsolve ...,Desi...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Content Design

Content design eases complex tasks by highlighting key decisions, prioritizing next steps, and simplifying interactions.

Design principles

Design principles are a set of values that express a shared vision and help guide decision making. They influence how product designers approach and solve ...

Fluent 2 Design System

Design beautiful and cohesive Microsoft experiences with Fluent 2 UI kits. Built in Figma, these kits offer seamless handoff from design to development.

Fluent Design System

Fluent Design System (codenamed Project Neon), officially unveiled as Microsoft Fluent Design System, is a design language developed in 2017 by Microsoft.

Fluent Design System

We implemented the Fluent Design System across Microsoft Azure to improve usability, consistency, and accessibility for a highly complex and evolving cloud.

Fluent UI

A collection of UX frameworks for creating beautiful, cross-platform apps that share code, design, and interaction behavior.


Explore the next evolution of Microsoft's design system, enabling more seamless collaboration and creativity than ever. Move fluidly from design to ...

Microsoft Fluent 2 Web

Explore the next evolution of Microsoft's design system with the Fluent 2 Web UI Kit. Fluent 2 Web is a reimagining of the Fluent 1 assets and maps to our ...

微軟推出全新介面設計系統Fluent Design System,通吃各類 ...

2017年5月12日 — 微軟在Build 2017開發者大會上揭露全新介面設計系統Fluent Design System,提供開發者單一設計語言就能通吃跨平板、智慧型手機、桌面應用程式等Windows平臺 ...


Contentdesigneasescomplextasksbyhighlightingkeydecisions,prioritizingnextsteps,andsimplifyinginteractions.,Designprinciplesareasetofvaluesthatexpressasharedvisionandhelpguidedecisionmaking.Theyinfluencehowproductdesignersapproachandsolve ...,DesignbeautifulandcohesiveMicrosoftexperienceswithFluent2UIkits.BuiltinFigma,thesekitsofferseamlesshandofffromdesigntodevelopment.,FluentDesignSystem(code...