
IhaveconfiguredflumetobringmywebserverlogtoHDFS.Theproblemhereis,IamnotseeinganyerrorinFlumeagentLogandFlumeCollectorLog.Soigot ...,ApacheFlumeisadistributed,reliable,andavailablesystemforefficientlycollecting,aggregatingandmovinglargeamountsoflo...。參考影片的文章的如下:



I have configured flume to bring my webserver log to HDFS. The problem here is, I am not seeing any error in Flume agent Log and Flume Collector Log. So i got ...

Flume 1.11.0 User Guide

Apache Flume is a distributed, reliable, and available system for efficiently collecting, aggregating and moving large amounts of log data from many different ...

Flume 1.9.0 User Guide

Apache Flume is a distributed, reliable, and available system for efficiently collecting, aggregating and moving large amounts of log data from many different ...

Terms of Service

As part of the Flume Services, you may (if enabled) receive push notifications, text messages, alerts, emails, or other types of messages directly sent to you ...

Sharing Access to the Flume App

Flume will send you a text message with a verification code. Please enter that code when you get to this screen below. If you don't get a verification code ...

Solace as a Channel for Apache Flume

The Solace channel itself is a simple transactional bridge that efficiently moves Flume events from the Flume Source into Solace messaging ...

redirect JMS messages based on a property in message using flume

We have configured Flume to read JMS messages from a system and this is working fine. Now I would like to read message and redirect it to a ...

Why does Flume need to have a AMQP source?

Flume has several third party plugins to support AMQP source. Why would we want to send message to rabbitmq or qpid and then to flume and not ...

FLUME - DM to collab on this one

FLUME - DM to collab on this one · Zoomin- Direct Message for interested in collabing on this one ☝️ · Sampled my @discoversuri today, dayum ...

Aussie EDM superstar Flume on award nominations and sliding into ...

“I'd love to work with Rihanna — I'll DM her right now.” Whether she replies or not will remain unseen until the release of Flume's next record, ...


IhaveconfiguredflumetobringmywebserverlogtoHDFS.Theproblemhereis,IamnotseeinganyerrorinFlumeagentLogandFlumeCollectorLog.Soigot ...,ApacheFlumeisadistributed,reliable,andavailablesystemforefficientlycollecting,aggregatingandmovinglargeamountsoflogdatafrommanydifferent ...,ApacheFlumeisadistributed,reliable,andavailablesystemforefficientlycollecting,aggregatingandmovinglargeamountsoflogdatafrom...