Arrange by 'Folder Size' in Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8 & 10

FolderSizeisafreewaretoolthatwillscanandlistfoldersizesonyourcomputer,printfoldersizesorprintfileslist.SupportedOS:Windows11/Windows ...,FolderSizeisapowerfulFREEutilitythatcanscananddisplayallthefilesizesandfoldertreesizesonyourharddrivesandnetw...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Folder Size Explorer

Folder Size is a freeware tool that will scan and list folder sizes on your computer, print folder sizes or print files list. Supported OS: Windows 11 / Windows ...

Folder Size Explorer for Windows 11, 10, 8, 7

Folder Size is a powerful FREE utility that can scan and display all the file sizes and folder tree sizes on your hard drives and network. Read this article If ...

Folder Size for Windows

Folder Size 2.6. shows sizes of folders seen in Explorer windows! In Windows 2000 and XP, shell extensions can augment Explorer's columns to show you Folder ...

Folder Sizes in Windows Explorer

Another way to see the size of a folder is to place your mouse cursor over the folder and wait for the pop-up tool tip to appear. Though this feature works fine ...

FolderSizes 7 is Released

FOLDER SIZE REPORTING. Disk Space Analyzer for Windows. FolderSizes 7 is Released · Key Metric Software is proud to announce the release of FolderSizes 7, the ...

How do I show folder size column in Windows 7 Explorer?

2012年9月4日 — I have looked everywhere for adding the column to show folder size in Windows 7. When a folder is deleted to the recycle bin, the folder ...

How to display the size for folder in windows explorer?

2014年9月9日 — I m just looking for some native way built into windows to show folder size if any one knows how..... windows-7 · windows · windows-explorer.

How to show folder sizes in Windows

2017年4月25日 — Windows 7 Help Forums. How to show folder sizes in Windows ?

Win 7

2011年10月25日 — 1) In Windows Explorer (WE), the Name, Date Modified, Type of Folders, sub-Folders, and Files are displayed in the detail view (right pane) for ...


FolderSizeisafreewaretoolthatwillscanandlistfoldersizesonyourcomputer,printfoldersizesorprintfileslist.SupportedOS:Windows11/Windows ...,FolderSizeisapowerfulFREEutilitythatcanscananddisplayallthefilesizesandfoldertreesizesonyourharddrivesandnetwork.ReadthisarticleIf ...,FolderSize2.6.showssizesoffoldersseeninExplorerwindows!InWindows2000andXP,shellextensionscanaugmentExplorer'scolumnstoshowyo...

DirectorySize - 硬碟內誰最肥?

DirectorySize - 硬碟內誰最肥?



