Generate your own icon font (with autocompleting icons)



Create your Icon Font in seconds

Easily create custom icon fonts with Fontastic! Your icons can be modified on the fly via CSS. Rescale, change colour, add a shadow and more in just a jiffy.

Create your Icon Font in seconds

Add icons to your icon set, or create a new one. You can import your own SVG icons or SVG fonts. If you upload an SVG font, all the icons in it will be ...


Tool to build custom fonts with icons.

❍ IcoMoon App

Using IcoMoon you can easily search and download vector icons or generate fonts (icon fonts). This tool can also be used for icon set management.

Icon Font Generator — Iconly

Iconly — Free Icon Font Generator. Iconly helps designers and developers to create custom icon fonts, host them in the cloud and deliver them to your users ...

SVG Icon Font

A full frontend icon font generator. To get your font, just add SVG icons and download your ZIP file. Save. Preview.

Icon font generator

Icon font generator For Figma. Easy to use from figma vectors, with it you will generate: SVG; EOT; TrueType; Woff; Woff2; Symbol-defs SVG; each vector ...


2020年10月23日 — Easy-to-use, pre-configured cli tool to generate webfont icon kits from a bunch of .svg files. Latest version: 2.1.11, last published: 3 ...

font awesome icon generator: Icon Maker

Simunity free icon maker enables to easily create font awesome icons. This free icon creator / icon generator is free for any use.


EasilycreatecustomiconfontswithFontastic!YouriconscanbemodifiedontheflyviaCSS.Rescale,changecolour,addashadowandmoreinjustajiffy.,Addiconstoyouriconset,orcreateanewone.YoucanimportyourownSVGiconsorSVGfonts.IfyouuploadanSVGfont,alltheiconsinitwillbe ...,Tooltobuildcustomfontswithicons.,UsingIcoMoonyoucaneasilysearchanddownloadvectoriconsorgeneratefonts(iconfonts).Thistoolcanalsobeusedforiconset...