Css Day:6 font-size, line-height, text

當沒有特別指定時,line-height(行高)在瀏覽器的原始預設值為1.0~1.2倍,但如果想要讓瀏覽者在閱讀文字上面感到更舒適的話,會建議大家至少要設定為1.5倍以上,通常比較多 ...,Theline-heightCSSpropertysetstheheightofalineboxinhorizontalwritingmodes.Invertica...。參考影片的文章的如下:


CSS 教學- 基本文字設定: font-size 與line-height 【飛肯設計】

當沒有特別指定時,line-height (行高)在瀏覽器的原始預設值為1.0 ~ 1.2 倍,但如果想要讓瀏覽者在閱讀文字上面感到更舒適的話,會建議大家至少要設定為1.5 倍以上,通常比較多 ...

line-height - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets

The line-height CSS property sets the height of a line box in horizontal writing modes. In vertical writing modes, it sets the width of a line box. Try it · Syntax

Choosing a suitable line height

Line height is a property so often left at its default value that it can be easily overlooked.

深入CSS 之line-height 應用

line-height 是兩行文字間的高度,與font-size 設定有關,因inline box 比content area 小導致截斷。建議閱讀ISD webteam 翻譯文章及鑫空間相關內容,深入 ...

font-size vs line-height

A good rule of thumb is to set the `line-height` to about 1.5 times the `font-size` . For example, if your `font-size` is `16px` , you might set ...

Line-Height does not match the font-size

1em is equal to 1 times the number of pixels in a font size. So if your font-size is 60px, 1em = 60px. If it is 14px, 1em = 14px, and so on.

line-height - Typography

Use font size utilities like text-sm/6 and text-lg/7 to set the font size and line-height of an element at the same time.

You need to fix your `line-height`

Different fonts mean different line-height; Changes in font-size mean adjusting line-height; Really big fonts should have a tight line-height ...

CSS line-height property

The line-height property specifies the height of a line. Note ... A number that will be multiplied with the current font-size to set the line height, Demo ❯.


當沒有特別指定時,line-height(行高)在瀏覽器的原始預設值為1.0~1.2倍,但如果想要讓瀏覽者在閱讀文字上面感到更舒適的話,會建議大家至少要設定為1.5倍以上,通常比較多 ...,Theline-heightCSSpropertysetstheheightofalineboxinhorizontalwritingmodes.Inverticalwritingmodes,itsetsthewidthofalinebox.Tryit·Syntax,Lineheightisapropertysooftenleftatitsdefaultvaluethatitcanbeeasilyoverlooked.,line-height是兩行文...