My Foobar2000 2.0 2024 Theme

GiventhatIwon'tuseWMP(notnow,notever)andthatmydefaultplayerwillbefoobar2000,istheresome.regscriptthatwouldjustundo ...,Whentheaudioplayer,foobar2000issetatWindows'defaultaudioplayer,anytimeyougotoopenanaudiofilefromFiles,itwillaskwhatprogramyouwa...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Default File Type Associations - Restore

Given that I won't use WMP (not now, not ever) and that my default player will be foobar2000, is there some .reg script that would just undo ...

Audio file program association. · Issue #9396

When the audio player, foobar2000 is set at Windows' default audio player, any time you go to open an audio file from Files, it will ask what program you want ...

Where in the hell does this thing install itself? : rfoobar2000

I'm trying to associate .CUE files with Foobar2000 to make my process easier but it doesn't appear anywhere in the Open With menu and when ...

Frequently Asked Questions

You can associate foobar2000 with different file types at 'Preferences → File types' (Windows XP only) or access relevant control panel from 'Preferences ... Installing and Upgrading · Tagging Files · Converting Audio Files to...

Foobar2000 installation guidance in 2023

I also don't want Foobar to associate file types with it, such as .wav or .aiff. Are there any good looking themes that work with V2 in 64-bit?

How to associate local Lyrics file permanently to song ?

As I have the lyrics file in the same folder, I'd like to know if I can simply attach it to the file and make Foobar remember it.

File association with foobar2000 portable (v1.1.7)

Install foobar2000 in normal mode instead in order to associate file types with the program. On Windows XP however, shift + right-click on a ...

File associations

fooassoc.exe no longer exists, You can now choose which formats will be played by default with foobar. .wma files are now natively supported. Additional formats.

foobar2000 does not associate files by default; how do I do it?

Go to Preferences/Shell Integration. There's the Link to the win7 File association.

Associate all file extensions which a program can handle, with that ...

I have an audio program (lets say Foobar2000) which can play 100 type of audio files. ... Foobar2000 trying to associate UNASSOCIATED. Of course ...


GiventhatIwon'tuseWMP(notnow,notever)andthatmydefaultplayerwillbefoobar2000,istheresome.regscriptthatwouldjustundo ...,Whentheaudioplayer,foobar2000issetatWindows'defaultaudioplayer,anytimeyougotoopenanaudiofilefromFiles,itwillaskwhatprogramyouwant ...,I'mtryingtoassociate.CUEfileswithFoobar2000tomakemyprocesseasierbutitdoesn'tappearanywhereintheOpenWithmenuandwhen ...,Youcanassociatefoobar200...