Are you a foodie? 6 Minute English

大家應該不難猜到foodie這個字和食物有關它是最近的一個流行字,指的是熱愛品嚐不同美食、美酒的人但光是愛吃還不夠,一個自稱或被人稱為foodie的人 ...,apersonwholovesfoodandisveryinterestedindifferenttypesoffood.Aboxofthesewouldmakealovelygiftforafoodie....。參考影片的文章的如下:



大家應該不難猜到foodie 這個字和食物有關 它是最近的一個流行字,指的是熱愛品嚐不同美食、美酒的人 但光是愛吃還不夠,一個自稱或被人稱為foodie 的人 ...

FOODIE | English meaning

a person who loves food and is very interested in different types of food. A box of these would make a lovely gift for a foodie.

FOODIE in Traditional Chinese

a person who loves food and is very interested in different types of food 美食家 A box of these would make a lovely gift for a foodie.


A foodie is a person who has an ardent or refined interest in food, and who eats food not only out of hunger but also as a hobby .

FOODIE definition and meaning

3 天前 · a person having an enthusiastic interest in the preparation and consumption of fine foods, esp. in restaurants.

FOODIE Definition & Meaning

a person keenly interested in food, especially in eating or cooking. foodie. / ˈfuːdɪ /. noun. a person having an enthusiastic interest in the preparation and ...

foodie - LDOCE

noun [countable] informal someone who is very interested in cooking and eating food → gourmet Examples from the Corpus foodie

FOODIE Definition & Meaning - Merriam

The meaning of FOODIE is a person having an avid interest in the latest food fads. How to use foodie in a sentence. Did you know?

What does it really mean to be a 'foodie'?

A foodie is a person who enjoys eating and doesn't do it just because of hunger but as a hobby. They have a huge interested in food and love ...

真的拜託各位美食部落客、餐廳、料理人不要再亂用foodie 這個詞了!

Foodie 在英文單純指「愛吃美食的人」或是「吃貨」,並沒有「美食部落客」或是「美食評論家」的意思It's merely used to describe people who love food!! ...


大家應該不難猜到foodie這個字和食物有關它是最近的一個流行字,指的是熱愛品嚐不同美食、美酒的人但光是愛吃還不夠,一個自稱或被人稱為foodie的人 ...,apersonwholovesfoodandisveryinterestedindifferenttypesoffood.Aboxofthesewouldmakealovelygiftforafoodie.,apersonwholovesfoodandisveryinterestedindifferenttypesoffood美食家Aboxofthesewouldmakealovelygiftforafoodie.,Afoodieisapersonwhohasanardentorrefinedi...