Forest Chrome Extension

Forestisanappthathelpsyoustayfocusedontheimportantthingsinlife.·Wheneveryouwanttostayfocused,plantatree.·Yourtreewillgrowwhileyou ...,ForestisafreeGoogleChromeextensiondesignedtohelpyoufocusandnotgetdistractedbyInternetsites.Onceinstalled,youcanc...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Forest App

Forest is an app that helps you stay focused on the important things in life. · Whenever you want to stay focused, plant a tree. · Your tree will grow while you ...

Forest is a really cool Chrome extension to help teachers ...

Forest is a free Google Chrome extension designed to help you focus and not get distracted by Internet sites. Once installed, you can click on the icon to ...

Forest 專注森林

簡單有趣的方式幫助您戒除手機成癮、保持專注並培養高效率的遠端生活 《Google Play 2015-2016 年度最佳App》《2018 最佳社會影響力App 提名》《2018 編輯精選最 ...

Forest: stay focused, be present

Stay focused in a pleasant way. Features: • A self-motivated and interesting method to help you beat Internet addiction • Cultivate your personal pattern of ...


保持專心也可以這麼容易. Forest 利用一個輕鬆有趣的方式,幫助您遠離網路成癮的干擾。每當您希望有一段專心工作的時間,您可以在Forest 中種下一顆種籽。


保持專心也可以這麼容易. Forest 利用一個輕鬆有趣的方式,幫助您遠離網路成癮的干擾。每當您希望有一段專心工作的時間,您可以在Forest 中種下一顆種籽。

Learn How to Use Forest Chrome Extension in <5 Minutes

2023年4月6日 — The Forest Chrome extension allows you to grow trees, block websites, and stay focused, much as the app version does. In this post, I'll be ...

Subject trees in chrome extension

2023年9月28日 — Is there any way to chose a subject trees in chrome extension as in android app? It's important to me cause im using forest mainly at PC and ...


Forestisanappthathelpsyoustayfocusedontheimportantthingsinlife.·Wheneveryouwanttostayfocused,plantatree.·Yourtreewillgrowwhileyou ...,ForestisafreeGoogleChromeextensiondesignedtohelpyoufocusandnotgetdistractedbyInternetsites.Onceinstalled,youcanclickontheiconto ...,簡單有趣的方式幫助您戒除手機成癮、保持專注並培養高效率的遠端生活《GooglePlay2015-2016年度最佳App》《2018最佳社會影響力App提名》《2...