
FortiClient - 在Windows 上免費下載並安裝

評分 2.8 (18) · 免費 · Windows FortiClient App supports SSLVPN connection to FortiGate Gateway. SSLVPN allows you to create a secure SSL VPN connection between your device and FortiGate.


On Windows 8.1 SSL VPN connection by FortiClient doesn' t work (version 4.4.2303). Does someone have the same problem or Windows 8.1 is not.

Forticlient on Windows 8.1 - Fortinet

We use Forticlient 5.2.3 to connect to one of our large corporate customers networks' from windows 8.1 workstations. It is installed in VPN client only mode.

[PDF] 使用居家辦公注意事項

更新時間:2022/05/10 14:00. 此份文件將協助同仁下載與安裝FortiClient VPN 軟體。 ... FortiClient 軟體下載、安裝操作步驟-Windows ..... 4.

FortiClient VPN Installation Guide

Download the FortiClient VPN client for your operating system at the following link: https://www.fortinet.com/support/product-downloads#vpn. · Once it is ...

[PDF] VPN遠端連線之基礎環境需求

1.至Fortinet官網(https://www.forticlient.com/downloads)下載FortiClient VPN軟. 體至個人電腦或筆電中. Page 8. 20. 2.由個人電腦或筆電中以系統管理者身份點選安裝VPN ...

Fortinet Product Downloads

Download FortiClient VPN, FortiConverter, FortiExplorer, FortiPlanner, and FortiRecorder software for any operating system: Windows, macOS, Android, ...

Fortinet 產品下載

為任何作業系統下載FortiClient VPN、FortiConverter、FortiExplorer、FortiPlanner 和FortiRecorder 軟體:Windows、macOS、Android、iOS 等。 資源中心 · 免費產品展示 · Linux Downloads

For Windows Client

For Updated Windows (10, 8, 7): · Now Double Click the Exe File, Run it, and Install the SSL VPN Client. · Go to Start Menu and click on FortiClient SSL VPN.

[PDF] SSL VPN 使用手冊

下載FortiClient VPN 軟體. 請先至Fortinet 網站下載FortiClient VPN Online Installer. 官方網站下載網址: https://www.fortinet.com/support/product ...

