
ExtensivepresetmanagementmakesPhotoResizeveryeasy-to-useandfasterbatchimageresizingforformatslikeJPEG,JPEG2000,PNG,TIFF,BMP ...,評分4.7(532)·免費·娛樂PhotoResizeProisfantastictooltoresize,convert,optimizeandrenamethousandsofimagesatamazinglyfasts...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Mac App Store 上的《PhotoResize》

Extensive preset management makes PhotoResize very easy-to-use and faster batch image resizing for formats like JPEG, JPEG2000, PNG, TIFF, BMP ...

PhotoResize Pro on the Mac App Store

評分 4.7 (532) · 免費 · 娛樂 PhotoResize Pro is fantastic tool to resize, convert, optimize and rename thousands of images at amazingly fast speed. It offers features like image format ...

Fotosizer for Mac

Fotosizer by is a powerful, fast, and free batch image resizing tool. Fotosizer for Mac is not yet available, but there are some similar ...


Fotosizer 是一个免费的批量照片/图像调整工具。它可以让您在几分钟内以快速简便的方式调整数百张照片的大小。使用Fotosizer,您可以缩小JPEG 图像文件以及其他支持的 ...

Fotosizer : 軟體王2025

Fotosizer 是一款免費的批量照片/圖片縮放工具。它使您可以在幾分鐘內以快速簡便的方式調整數百張照片的大小。 Fotosizer; 軟體版本:; 軟體分類: 129圖片 ...

ACDSee Photo Studio for Mac 11

使用ACDSee 同步助手應用程式,直接從行動裝置將相片與影片傳送到Mac 電腦中的ACDSee Photo Studio。iOS 版Apple App Store 與Android 版Google Play 商店皆提供此免費應用 ...


Resize hundreds of photos in minutes. Resize, rotate, rename your photos in batches. Apply your resizing in just 3 easy steps to hundreds of photos at a time.


Fotosizer is a freeware batch image resizer tool. It resizes your photos in just 3 easy steps - 1. Photo selection, 2. select resize settings, then 3.


Photomator is a powerful yet easy-to-use photo editor for Mac, iPhone, iPad, and Vision Pro. It includes an extensive collection of powerful color adjustments. Pixelmator Pro · Pixelmator Blog · Welcome | Pixelmator Support


ExtensivepresetmanagementmakesPhotoResizeveryeasy-to-useandfasterbatchimageresizingforformatslikeJPEG,JPEG2000,PNG,TIFF,BMP ...,評分4.7(532)·免費·娛樂PhotoResizeProisfantastictooltoresize,convert,optimizeandrenamethousandsofimagesatamazinglyfastspeed.Itoffersfeatureslikeimageformat ...,FotosizerbyFotosizer.comisapowerful,fast,andfreebatchimageresizingtool.FotosizerforMacisnotyetavailable,butth...