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free airtime - 英中


AIRTIME | English meaning

the amount of broadcasting time that someone or something has on television or radio. The smaller political parties are campaigning to be allowed free airtime.

adjective meaning

free airtime is like free food. The phrase is meaningful in contexts where you would normally have to pay. A separate definition the amount of ...

free airtime?

It isn't really a gift; it is the amount included in the monthly service charge, but it does mean that you won't be charged an additional fee ...

Free Airtime - Frequently Asked Questions

How to redeem your airtime · Find voucher under the lid of the promo tin · Scratch the surface and Dial *284*800# to redeem OR visit ...

Free AirTime Project Helps Californians Decide Who Will Run Our ...

Sacramento, CA—Voters across California now have an opportunity to learn more about the candidates whose names will appear on the November 6 ballot.

Airtime - Mobile Rewards

Airtime Earn mobile connectivity credit to reduce your mobile bill. Quick to join. Free and effortless to use. Infinitely rewarding.

Free Airtime

評分 5.0 (16) Airtime Ninja is an airtime competition website where people win free airtime daily by playing airtime games or entering a contest at no cost to them!

How to get free airtime

You can get free airtime and data by only operating on your own isolated network. When you desire access to other folks' network & equipment, ...


數碼聲音廣播的落實,令港台在不影響聽眾現時享有服務的情況下撥出部分廣播時段,播放社區參與製作節目。,theamountofbroadcastingtimethatsomeoneorsomethinghasontelevisionorradio.Thesmallerpoliticalpartiesarecampaigningtobeallowedfreeairtime.,freeairtimeislikefreefood.Thephraseismeaningfulincontextswhereyouwouldnormallyhavetopay.Aseparatedefinitiontheamountof ...,Itisn'treallyagift;itistheamountinclud...