How to Transfer Files Between iPhone and PC without iTunes!

iMazingletsyoutransfermusic,files,messages,appsandmorefromanyiPhone,iPad,oriPodtoacomputer,MacorPC.ManageandbackupyouriOSdevice ...,評分4.8(23,495)·免費EaseUSfreeiPhonedatatransfersoftwarecanhelpyoutransferdatalikephotos,videos,contacts,messagesa...。參考影片的文章的如下:



iMazing lets you transfer music, files, messages, apps and more from any iPhone, iPad, or iPod to a computer, Mac or PC. Manage and backup your iOS device ...

EaseUS MobiMover

評分 4.8 (23,495) · 免費 EaseUS free iPhone data transfer software can help you transfer data like photos, videos, contacts, messages and more between two iOS devices or between iOS ...

Free iPhone to PC File Transfer Software to Transfer Files with Ease

With the help of the iPhone transfer software - EaseUS MobiMover, you will be able to transfer files between iPhone and PC easily and quickly.

Top 4 File Transfer Apps for iPhone to PC

Want file transfer between your iPhone and PC? You can use MobileTrans and other best file transfer apps to transfer files between your iPhone and PC.

Free iPhone Transfer Software

FoneTool, a smart iPhone transfer freeware can quickly transfer data from old iPhone to new iPhone, and move data between iPhones and PCs with easy steps.


FoneTool is an easy-to-use free iPhone, iPad, iPod touch data management tool allowing you quickly transfer iOS data and backup iPhone to PC for safety.

Download iPhone to PC Transfer Utilities Free

Welcome to Download page of IPhonetoPC! Here you can get the free trial verion of various iPhone to PC transfer utilities for Windows and Mac OS.

Free Options to Transfer Files from iPhone 11X876 to Windows PC

With the help of PanFone Manager Free, you can easily export and backup your iPhone data to Windows PC. It is a free iPhone manager in the market.

Free, preferably open source, iphone file manager to transfer files to ...

Basically something iMazing but free and ideally open source. Main requirement is to easily sync all photos and copy them to PC.

Easily Transfer Files from and to iPhone, PC or iTunes

As the best iTunes Alternative, Syncios can import music, contacts, videos, apps, photos from your computer to iPhone with no need to remove your original files ...


iMazingletsyoutransfermusic,files,messages,appsandmorefromanyiPhone,iPad,oriPodtoacomputer,MacorPC.ManageandbackupyouriOSdevice ...,評分4.8(23,495)·免費EaseUSfreeiPhonedatatransfersoftwarecanhelpyoutransferdatalikephotos,videos,contacts,messagesandmorebetweentwoiOSdevicesorbetweeniOS ...,WiththehelpoftheiPhonetransfersoftware-EaseUSMobiMover,youwillbeabletotransferfilesbetweeniPhoneandPCeasily...