Windows screen marker free | Online teaching tool

Customizablehotkeys.Supportformanytools-pencil,highligther,line,arrow,rectangle,ellipse,text.Variouscolorsandtoolsizes.Eraser,undo,clear ...,ShowIt.EpicPen:ADigitalToolforOn-ScreenDrawingandAnnotation.DOWNLOADNOW.APenForYourPC.EpicPenisapowerfuly...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Screen Marker and Recorder

Customizable hotkeys. Support for many tools - pencil, highligther, line, arrow, rectangle, ellipse, text. Various colors and tool sizes. Eraser, undo, clear ...

Epic Pen

Show It. Epic Pen: A Digital Tool for On-Screen Drawing and Annotation. DOWNLOAD NOW. A Pen For Your PC. Epic Pen is a powerful yet simple communication aid ...

Screen Marker

Screen Marker is a handy utility that lets you write or draw anywhere on the screen. Ever given a presentation and wished you could underscore a word or a ...

Screen Marker

Screen Marker is a good, free software only available for Windows, belonging to the category Design & photography software and has been created by Tnk-bootblock ...

Download Screen Marker - free

評分 6/10 (132) · 免費 · Windows Download Screen Marker for Windows now from Softonic: 100% safe and virus free. More than 367 downloads this month. Download Screen Marker latest vers.

ScreenMarker For Windows

ScreenMarker for pc is a latest of ScreenMarker for windows pc which can be downloaded and installed without any malware and virus from...

ScreenMarker for Windows

評分 4.8 (6) · 免費 · Windows Download ScreenMarker for Windows for free. Show off your drawings on the screen. ScreenMarker is a lite tool which will let you write and draw on the...

Download ScreenMarker for Windows

評分 4.8 (6) · 免費 · Windows Download the latest version of ScreenMarker for Windows. Show off your drawings on the screen. ScreenMarker is a lite tool which will let you write and...

Screen Marker and Recorder

The most popular annotation tool for Windows Take notes or draw over any application. Your drawings can remain on the screen even while using background ...

Screen Marker and Recorder

The most popular annotation tool for Windows. Markup over any desktop application! Markups will remain on the screen even while using other apps!


Customizablehotkeys.Supportformanytools-pencil,highligther,line,arrow,rectangle,ellipse,text.Variouscolorsandtoolsizes.Eraser,undo,clear ...,ShowIt.EpicPen:ADigitalToolforOn-ScreenDrawingandAnnotation.DOWNLOADNOW.APenForYourPC.EpicPenisapowerfulyetsimplecommunicationaid ...,ScreenMarkerisahandyutilitythatletsyouwriteordrawanywhereonthescreen.Evergivenapresentationandwishedyoucouldunderscoreawo...