Fruit Ninja

1.Don'tsliceeveryfruitindividually,trytoslicethemtogether.ThisiscalledCombosandtogetthemyouneedtosliceatleast2fruitswiththesame ...,2011年7月24日—ThewaytogettheMOSTpointsisbygettingallthreebananas(freeze,frenzy,andx2multiplier)attheSAMEtimewith+3...。參考影片的文章的如下:


19 tips to get high score in Fruit Ninja game

1. Don't slice every fruit individually, try to slice them together. This is called Combos and to get them you need to slice at least 2 fruits with the same ...

Fruit Ninja - arcade mode help..

2011年7月24日 — The way to get the MOST points is by getting all three bananas(freeze, frenzy, and x2 multiplier) at the SAME time with +30 blitz. At the end of ...

Guide for Fruit Ninja (Windows)

The Power-Ups are: Peaches: You gain extra time for each peach you slice. Strawberries: You gain 5 times as many points for each strawberry you slice. Bomb ...

Guide for Fruit Ninja (WP)

Page 2 of the full game walkthrough for Fruit Ninja (WP). This guide will show you how to earn all of the achievements.

Six Tips for Scoring Higher in Fruit Ninja

2018年9月25日 — If you want to score a nice score (up to 3500 or according to banana luck), first you need to play the event, and unlock the bat blade. You ...

The ultimate beginner's guide to Fruit Ninja

2016年4月15日 — Other tips. Wait for fruit to reach the top of your screen before slicing it. The lower you slice, the harder it is to avoid unexpected ...


1.Don'tsliceeveryfruitindividually,trytoslicethemtogether.ThisiscalledCombosandtogetthemyouneedtosliceatleast2fruitswiththesame ...,2011年7月24日—ThewaytogettheMOSTpointsisbygettingallthreebananas(freeze,frenzy,andx2multiplier)attheSAMEtimewith+30blitz.Attheendof ...,,ThePower-Upsare:Peaches:Yougainextratimeforeachpeachyouslice.Strawberries:Yougain5timesasmanypointsforeachstrawberryyouslice.Bo...