
GA-ASI Demonstrates Release of A2LE from MQ

2024年2月1日 — General Atomics Aeronautical Systems, Inc. (GA-ASI) successfully demonstrated an inflight release of its Advanced Air-Launched Effects ...


2022年9月19日 — General Atomics Aeronautical Systems, Inc. (GA-ASI) used a company-owned Avenger® Unmanned Aircraft System to fly a military aircraft using ...

General Atomics Aeronautical

Avenger is a highly advanced, next-generation RPA. The jet-powered aircraft is equipped with a commercial Pratt & Whitney turbofan engine capable of producing ...

General Atomics MQ

The General Atomics MQ-20 Avenger (formerly Predator C) is a developmental unmanned combat aerial vehicle built by General Atomics Aeronautical Systems for ...


2024年1月18日 — Defense contractor General Atomics tested several new, third-party autonomous technologies on an example of the MQ-20 Avenger drone.

MQ-20 Avenger Tests Previously Unseen Air

2024年1月30日 — MQ-20 Avenger Tests Previously Unseen Air-Launched Effects Drone. A2LE is a new drone from General Atomics that leverages rapid design and ...


2024年2月1日—GeneralAtomicsAeronauticalSystems,Inc.(GA-ASI)successfullydemonstratedaninflightreleaseofitsAdvancedAir-LaunchedEffects ...,2022年9月19日—GeneralAtomicsAeronauticalSystems,Inc.(GA-ASI)usedacompany-ownedAvenger®UnmannedAircraftSystemtoflyamilitaryaircraftusing ...,Avengerisahighlyadvanced,next-generationRPA.Thejet-poweredaircraftisequippedwithacommercialPratt&Whitneyturbofaneng...