
Genie in a Bottle

Genie in a Bottle is a song by American singer Christina Aguilera from her self-titled debut studio album (1999). It was written by Pam Sheyne, ...

Genie In a Bottle

Listen to Genie In a Bottle on Spotify. Christina Aguilera · Song · 1999.

Genie In A Bottle

I feel like I've been locked up tight. For a century of lonely nights. Waiting for someone to release me. You're licking your lips


歌曲的歌詞以性暗示談論了自尊的主題。由於歌曲和性相關,歌曲發布了電台剪輯版本。 Genie in a Bottle 瓶中精靈.


GenieinaBottleisasongbyAmericansingerChristinaAguilerafromherself-titleddebutstudioalbum(1999).ItwaswrittenbyPamSheyne, ...,ListentoGenieInaBottleonSpotify.ChristinaAguilera·Song·1999.,IfeellikeI'vebeenlockeduptight.Foracenturyoflonelynights.Waitingforsomeonetoreleaseme.You'relickingyourlips,歌曲的歌詞以性暗示談論了自尊的主題。由於歌曲和性相關,歌曲發布了電台剪輯版本。GenieinaBottle瓶中精靈.


