
gitmerge--squash是用来把一些不必要commit进行压缩,比如说,你的feature在开发的时候写的commit很乱,那么我们合并的时候不希望把这些历史commit带过来, ...,However,it'spossibletochangethisbehaviorinthegitconfigurationorpassingthe--no-ff(nofast-forward)...。參考影片的文章的如下:


git学习(7)---git merge --no-ff和--squash的区别原创

git merge --squash 是用来把一些不必要commit进行压缩,比如说,你的feature在开发的时候写的commit很乱,那么我们合并的时候不希望把这些历史commit带过来, ...

Two years of squash merge

However, it's possible to change this behavior in the git configuration or passing the --no-ff (no fast-forward) option to git merge . As a ...

Git Merge: To Squash Or Fast-Forward?

Git has several merge strategies it can use to make sure that all of the commits end up present, fast forward, three way, and squash included.

About pull request merges

You can merge pull requests by retaining all the commits in a feature branch, squashing all commits into a single commit, or by rebasing individual commits.

git-merge Documentation

With --no-squash perform the merge and commit the result. This option can be used to override --squash. With --squash, --commit is not allowed, and will fail. Git-mergetool[1] · Merge-base · 2.15.4 12/06/19 · 2.13.7 05/22/18

Git: please stop squash merging!

You can change this behaviour by using --no-ff . GitHub also ... no command for squash merging in Git! In fact, in order to do the same ... Intro · The first misconception: what a... · The second misconception...

What are the differences between `--squash` and `--no-ff --no

--no-ff is to tell git Do not first forward even if you can. instead create a merge commit and reuse all existing commits.

Why can't I use git merge --squash with --no-ff?

--squash is about getting a history without a trace of merge. --no-ff is about forcing a history with merge, even when it is being forwarded.

git 直接merge fast-forward和--no-ff和-

git merge --squash 是用来把一些不必要commit进行压缩,比如说,你的feature在开发的时候写的commit很乱,那么我们合并的时候不希望把这些历史commit带过来, ...

Difference between 'merge --no-ff' and 'merge --squash' + 'commit

the squash is combine all commits (changes) on the feature branch and stage them to the branch i want to do the merge. then you do a normal git ...


gitmerge--squash是用来把一些不必要commit进行压缩,比如说,你的feature在开发的时候写的commit很乱,那么我们合并的时候不希望把这些历史commit带过来, ...,However,it'spossibletochangethisbehaviorinthegitconfigurationorpassingthe--no-ff(nofast-forward)optiontogitmerge.Asa ...,Githasseveralmergestrategiesitcanusetomakesurethatallofthecommitsenduppresent,fastforward,threeway,andsquashincluded.,Youcanm...