Highlight: Making a glTF

Ihaveaquestionabout3dmaxGLTFMaterialwithAlphaandExport.ToachievetransparencyIputtexturesinbasecolorandab/wtextureinalpha/blendmodus. ...,AlphaMode.Thematerial'salpharenderingmodeenumerationspecifyingtheinterpretationofthealphavalueofthebasecolor....。參考影片的文章的如下:


Export GLTF material with alpha - Questions

I have a question about 3dmax GLTF Material with Alpha and Export. To achieve transparency I put textures in basecolor and ab/w texture in alpha/blend modus. ...

Enum Material.AlphaMode | Unity glTFast

AlphaMode. The material's alpha rendering mode enumeration specifying the interpretation of the alpha value of the base color. Namespace: GLTFast.Schema.


This model tests the various alpha modes available in glTF 2.0. There are three settings for alphaMode: OPAQUE (the default), BLEND, and MASK.

Future of alphaMode · Issue #2111 · KhronosGroupglTF-Blender

In Blender's legacy EEVEE renderer, a material has a Blend Mode property that controls the interpretation of the alpha value produced from the node graph.


glTF-Asset-Generator. These models are intended to test the various ways that alpha can be set on a material, while alpha mode is set to blend.

GltfMaterial.alphaMode Field (Microsoft.MixedReality.Toolkit.Utilities ...

The material's alpha rendering mode enumeration specifying the interpretation of the alpha value of the main factor and texture.


glTF Generator. Options. All. Public; Public/Protected; All. Inherited. Menu. Globals · AlphaMode. Enumeration AlphaMode. Index. Enumeration members. Blend ...

Alpha Hashed materials don't export properly to GLBGLTF #125441

Alpha Clipping (called MASK mode in glTF) is now done with nodes. For example, a Math:Round node before the Alpha socket will snap alpha values below 0.5 to 0, ...

glTF™ 2.0 Specification

glTF is an API-neutral runtime asset delivery format. glTF bridges the gap between 3D content creation tools and modern graphics applications.


Alpha blending rendering mode for GLTF materials, used with PRIM_GLTF_BASE_COLOR. Transparency from the texture is applied and multiplied by the ...


Ihaveaquestionabout3dmaxGLTFMaterialwithAlphaandExport.ToachievetransparencyIputtexturesinbasecolorandab/wtextureinalpha/blendmodus. ...,AlphaMode.Thematerial'salpharenderingmodeenumerationspecifyingtheinterpretationofthealphavalueofthebasecolor.Namespace:GLTFast.Schema.,ThismodelteststhevariousalphamodesavailableinglTF2.0.TherearethreesettingsforalphaMode:OPAQUE(thedefault),BLEND,andMASK.,InB...
