Google Chrome extension: Checker Plus for Gmail

OptiontomonitoranyGmailorcustomlabels•OptiontoruninbackgroundwhenGoogleChromeisclosedandstillgetnewemailalerts•Popupmailpreview ...,CheckerPlusforGmail(Chrome,Firefox,andEdge)allowsyoutoseenotificationsandread,listento,ordeleteemails.CheckerPlusw...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Checker Plus for Gmail

Option to monitor any Gmail or custom labels • Option to run in background when Google Chrome is closed and still get new email alerts • Popup mail preview ...

Checker Plus for Gmail (Chrome, Firefox, and Edge) 26.0

Checker Plus for Gmail (Chrome, Firefox, and Edge) allows you to see notifications and read, listen to, or delete emails. Checker Plus works without opening ...

Checker Plus for Gmail for Windows

Checker Plus for Gmail is an extension for Google Chrome that notifies you with a small icon integrated into your browser of all new emails in your inbox in ...

Checker Plus for Gmail™


Checker Plus for Gmail™

Get notifications, read, listen to or delete emails without opening Gmail and easily manage multiple accounts.

Checker Plus for Gmail™

无需打开Gmail 或Inbox,即可收到桌面邮件通知,方便地查看、收听或删除邮件,并且支持多账户。

Mail Checker Plus for Google Mail

Mail Checker Plus for Google Mail 是Google Chrome 的擴展。它會顯示您的Gmail 和Google Apps 收件箱中未讀郵件的數量。預覽郵件、閱讀、刪除、存檔和標記為垃圾郵件 ...

不用開啟Gmail 網頁也能快速查看信件(Chrome Firefox)

2020年1月2日 — Checker Plus for Gmail 擴展外掛,不用開啟Gmail 網頁也能快速查看信件(Chrome / Firefox). 這次為大家介紹的外掛,對於經常需要收發信件的人特別好用 ...


OptiontomonitoranyGmailorcustomlabels•OptiontoruninbackgroundwhenGoogleChromeisclosedandstillgetnewemailalerts•Popupmailpreview ...,CheckerPlusforGmail(Chrome,Firefox,andEdge)allowsyoutoseenotificationsandread,listento,ordeleteemails.CheckerPlusworkswithoutopening ...,CheckerPlusforGmailisanextensionforGoogleChromethatnotifiesyouwithasmalliconintegratedintoyourbrowserofallnewemailsinyourinboxi...