
Regex for Windows

Regex provides three groups of functions with which you can operate on regular expressions. One group--the GNU group--is more powerful but not completely ...

What is 'the regular expression library supplied by [my] system'?

Specifies the regular expression library used by less for pattern matching. The default is auto, which means the configure program finds a regular expression ...

GCC regular expressions

How do I use regular expressions in GNU G++ / GCC for matching, searching and replacing substrings? E.g. could you provide any tutorial on ...

Understanding -regex with GNU find

File name matches regular expression pattern. This is a match on the whole path, not a search. For example, to match a file named `./fubar3', ...

Programming with Regex

Here we describe how you use the Regex data structures and functions in C programs. Regex has three interfaces: one designed for GNU, one compatible with POSIX ...

Regex - Overview

The Regex library consists of two source files: `regex.h' and `regex.c'. Regex provides three groups of functions with which you can operate on regular ...


This unit provides routines to match strings against regular expressions and perform substitutions using matched subexpressions. Regular expressions are ...

Regex - GNU Project

The standalone GNU regex library has long been decommissioned. For a current regex implementation, we recommend using the regex code from Gnulib; see also the ...

Regular Expressions (GNU Grep 3.11)

A regular expression is a pattern that describes a set of strings. Regular expressions are constructed analogously to arithmetic expressions, by using various ...

GNU Regular Expression Extensions

The regex module provides the standard POSIX functions regcomp() for compiling a regular expression, regerror() for handling compilation errors, regexec() to ...


Regexprovidesthreegroupsoffunctionswithwhichyoucanoperateonregularexpressions.Onegroup--theGNUgroup--ismorepowerfulbutnotcompletely ...,Specifiestheregularexpressionlibraryusedbylessforpatternmatching.Thedefaultisauto,whichmeanstheconfigureprogramfindsaregularexpression ...,HowdoIuseregularexpressionsinGNUG++/GCCformatching,searchingandreplacingsubstrings?E.g.couldyouprovideanytutorialon ...,F...