
Is it possible to get a GOG game code converted to Steam key?

Simple answer is No. More complex answer is No, you can not. Though you can ask a refund as the game is not released yet, and it should go ...

Do I get a Steam key when buying a game from GOG?

Do I get a Steam key when buying a game from GOG? We are an independent platform, and none of our games can be redeemed elsewhere. We also do not distribute any ...

Buy GOG PC games | Cheap GOG game keys

Visit Eneba store and buy GOG games at the best price. Relish the most renowned GOG video game keys! Check our GOG sale & buy games cheaper!

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GOG.com is a gaming platform owned by CD Project featuring many great PC Games. GOG platform is the place where you can find many classic, old-school games.

CD keys from steam can be redeemed on GOG?, page 1

Only retail keys are supposed to be redeemable on GOG. Although some Steam keys may work if you're lucky - my Clear Sky key did. Post ...

do i really get a steam key, page 1 - Forum

To oversimplify the answer: this store is for people who want nothing to do with Steam, so you won't get any Steam keys from GOG.

Possible to convert The Witcher 3 GOG key to Steam key ?, page 2

Just add it to Steam manually, you can launch it through the Steam DRM client then. I wish people would think before they say this.

Steam Key?, page 1 - Forum

This post is from over a week ago, and hasn't been mirrored here. I implore Polymorph to offer Steam keys to their GoG customers. It costs you ...

Generic question about Steam key to GOG key conversion and vice ...

GOG has a program called GOG Connect that allows you to claim GOG versions of selected Steam games you already own, for a limited period of ...

Does gog.com purchase provide steam key?

No you dont get a steam key. Gog has the benefit that you can download an offline installer of the game. Which means that even if gog ever dies, ...


SimpleanswerisNo.MorecomplexanswerisNo,youcannot.Thoughyoucanaskarefundasthegameisnotreleasedyet,anditshouldgo ...,DoIgetaSteamkeywhenbuyingagamefromGOG?Weareanindependentplatform,andnoneofourgamescanberedeemedelsewhere.Wealsodonotdistributeany ...,VisitEnebastoreandbuyGOGgamesatthebestprice.RelishthemostrenownedGOGvideogamekeys!CheckourGOGsale&buygamescheaper!,GOG.comisagamingplatformowne...