

After your game is released on GOG, please feel free to publish any stable updates to the Master branch as soon as they are ready without waiting for us to ...

GOG GALAXY failed to update

If you are having any difficulties updating GOG GALAXY, please note that you can manually try triggering the update by using the web installer for GOG ...


The best way to run and update your GOG games. Enhanced experience. All new library management and friends features take your experience to the next level.

How do you update this game?!, page 1 - Forum

To download an update, go to your game library here on the website, click the game you want to update, scroll down to Download Offline Backup Game Installers ...

How do I update the GOG Galaxy client manually? (What's the latest ...

I can see what the latest version of the client is by selecting 'Changelog' from the gear menu. The latest change there says 2.0.45 Hotfix (December 21, 2021)

How do games recieving updates work on GOG?, page 1

Usually you have to re-download the installer from your library and reinstall the game in question. Sometimes in rare cases GoG offers delta ...


Additionally, we've replaced the whole underlying network stack, which translated to lower CPU usage and improved the overall performance. Your games should ...

Why is GOG Galaxy so F***ING BAD at checking for updates?

I'm using GOG Galaxy 2.0.80 on multiple PC's. I have never in my life used a program that is as bad as GOG Galaxy for checking updates.

Will GOG Galaxy receive more updates?

From the GOG Games Launcher part, Galaxy is pretty stable right now with no/minor issues so that it doesn't need major/overhaul updates anymore ...

GOG GALAXY 2.0 (@GOGGalaxy) X

A new update is out! Version 2.0.38 brings the highly requested Invisible Status to GOG GALAXY, improvements to game updates, and quality of life ...


AfteryourgameisreleasedonGOG,pleasefeelfreetopublishanystableupdatestotheMasterbranchassoonastheyarereadywithoutwaitingforusto ...,IfyouarehavinganydifficultiesupdatingGOGGALAXY,pleasenotethatyoucanmanuallytrytriggeringtheupdatebyusingthewebinstallerforGOG ...,ThebestwaytorunandupdateyourGOGgames.Enhancedexperience.Allnewlibrarymanagementandfriendsfeaturestakeyourexperiencetothenextlevel.,Todo...