Goldberg on the origin of The Spear

HeperformedaspearonSteinerandaJackhammeronDocGallows.OnJanuary23,2016,GoldbergmadeasecondreturnfortheLegendsofWrestlingeventinMiami, ...Goldbergwinstreak·BarryMinkow·Santa'sSlay·HalfPastDead2,Goldberg.GetawayJeremy.GoldbergwasaimingforJerichoandJ...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Bill Goldberg

He performed a spear on Steiner and a Jackhammer on Doc Gallows. On January 23, 2016, Goldberg made a second return for the Legends of Wrestling event in Miami, ... Goldberg win streak · Barry Minkow · Santa's Slay · Half Past Dead 2

Why did Goldberg SPEAR a referee? #Goldberg25

Goldberg. Get away Jeremy. Goldberg was aiming for Jericho and Jericho sells the the little referee right in front of the spear. Whoa. And ...

Is this Goldberg's greatest SPEAR of all time? #Goldberg25

Oh. Goldberg just flattened Christian. Oh my god. What a spears. Oh no. Just drilled Christian in half. Watch this Rock. Do not watch this. Turn ...

Goldberg's explosive Spear to Scott Steiner : rWWE

Nobody can hit the spear like him because he was ACTUALLY spearing people. Goldberg was always one of the most dangerous wrestlers to wrestle with.

Goldberg SPEARS through the pain!

Goldberg SPEARS through the pain! 41K views · 5 months ago ...more. WWE Vault. 1.49M. Subscribe. 1.5K. Share. Save.

Goldberg's most vicious spears

Hold on to your seats and prepare to be wowed - Goldberg shows why his bone-rattling Spear has been one of the most feared moves in ...

Goldberg Spears but they get increasingly more intense

Watch Goldberg Spears as they get more and more impactful, featuring Brock Lesnar, Batista and more WWE and WCW opponents.

Goldberg's Best Spear Ever

WWE Hall Of Famer Goldberg names some of his favorite spears that he has given throughout his entire career #wwe #wrestling #goldberg.

Goldberg's most devastating Spears

Goldberg's most devastating Spears: WWE Top 10, Aug. 19, 2021 · Comments856. Tom. That spear to Ziggler was unbelievable. 8:31 · Go to channel ...


HeperformedaspearonSteinerandaJackhammeronDocGallows.OnJanuary23,2016,GoldbergmadeasecondreturnfortheLegendsofWrestlingeventinMiami, ...Goldbergwinstreak·BarryMinkow·Santa'sSlay·HalfPastDead2,Goldberg.GetawayJeremy.GoldbergwasaimingforJerichoandJerichosellsthethelittlerefereerightinfrontofthespear.Whoa.And ...,Oh.GoldbergjustflattenedChristian.Ohmygod.Whataspears.Ohno.JustdrilledChristianinhal...