
Golden Ratio Face Calculator - Free AI Face Analyzer

The golden ratio face calculator is an AI-powered tool that analyzes facial proportions based on the mathematical golden ratio (1.618). It uses advanced face ...

Face Ratio

An AI app that tracks facial size and ratio changes daily to help improve impressions.

Professional Face Analyser

Experience the cutting-edge technology of PinkMirror's face analyzer. Our advanced algorithms and machine learning models will examine your facial structure. Analysis for Face Attractiveness · What is my Face Shape · Add Photo · Sign i

Beauty Scanner - Face Analyzer

評分 4.0 (38,263) · 免費 · Android Golden Ratio Face APP uses facial symmetry, facial structure, and the golden ratio to calculate the beauty of anyone.

Beauty Calculator Pretty Scale

評分 3.8 (8,439) · 免費 · Android To determine the Face Beauty Score, the Golden Ratio Face calculator App looks into geometric proportions of facial features such as the eyes, nose, lips, etc., ...

Online Calculator of Golden Ratio Face

The golden beauty ratio is approximately 1.618. If the distance between certain regions in the face to the distance of another defined region is closer to 1.618 ...

Golden Ratio Face Calculator for Beauty & Aesthetics

The AI Face Calculator features the AI Face Analyzer and calculates 10 face ratio measurements, including vertical ratio, horizontal ratio, face aspect ...

Enhancing Facial Harmony with AI Face Analysis

A Golden Ratio Face Calculator checks if facial proportions match the Golden Ratio (1.618), giving a yes-or-no result. A Face Analyzer / Ratio ...

FWHR Calculator App

Facial width to height ratio (fWHR) calculator. Please click the button below to upload a portrait image: Upload Picture Use Webcam. image. FWHR; Detected Faces ...


ThegoldenratiofacecalculatorisanAI-poweredtoolthatanalyzesfacialproportionsbasedonthemathematicalgoldenratio(1.618).Itusesadvancedface ...,AnAIappthattracksfacialsizeandratiochangesdailytohelpimproveimpressions.,Experiencethecutting-edgetechnologyofPinkMirror'sfaceanalyzer.Ouradvancedalgorithmsandmachinelearningmodelswillexamineyourfacialstructure.AnalysisforFaceAttractiveness·WhatismyFaceShap...