Creating and Managing Groups on Google Workspace

2023年9月18日—ThisfeatureaddsaGoogleGrouptoaspaceandcontinuouslysyncsmembershipfromGroupstoChat,makingmembershipmanagement,especially ...,Addpeopletoyourgroupdirectly·SignintoGoogleGroups.·Clickthenameofagroup.·Ontheleft,clickMembers.·Atthetop,cl...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Add Google Groups to spaces in Google Chat

2023年9月18日 — This feature adds a Google Group to a space and continuously syncs membership from Groups to Chat, making membership management, especially ...

Add people to your group

Add people to your group directly · Sign in to Google Groups. · Click the name of a group. · On the left, click Members. · At the top, click Add members.

Adding People to Your Google Group

Add members by invitation · On the left menu, click Members. · At the top of the member list, click Add Members. · At the bottom, next to Directly add members, ...

Create and manage Google groups in the ...

To add members: Click person Add members at the top of the page. Enter the names of the members you want to add, choose their Google Groups roles, then click ...

How to add a Google Group

2024年5月21日 — Click Channels on the left menu, then click the Connect a channel button. Choose Google from the channel menu, then select Google Group. Click ...

How to create a dynamic group

2023年12月15日 — In your Google Admin console. · Go to Menu > Directory > Groups. · Click Create dynamic group. · Build your membership query. · (Optional) Use ...

How to Create a Google Group

2024年3月29日 — Select a group type. In the Group type section, click the Select a group type drop-down box, then click one of the following options in the ...

Manage groups

2024年3月12日 — This page is about how to manage Google Groups with the Directory API: Create a group; Update a group; Add a group alias; Retrieve a group ...


2023年9月18日—ThisfeatureaddsaGoogleGrouptoaspaceandcontinuouslysyncsmembershipfromGroupstoChat,makingmembershipmanagement,especially ...,Addpeopletoyourgroupdirectly·SignintoGoogleGroups.·Clickthenameofagroup.·Ontheleft,clickMembers.·Atthetop,clickAddmembers.,Addmembersbyinvitation·Ontheleftmenu,clickMembers.·Atthetopofthememberlist,clickAddMembers.·Atthebottom,nexttoDirectlyaddmembers, ...,T...