
Google Assistant works better with IFTTT

Google Assistant integrations. Create custom voice commands for your Google Assistant. Available on Android, iOS and Google Home devices. Connect.

Google Assistant changes

2022年8月3日 — As of August 31, 2022 the Google Assistant service on IFTTT will be modified due to changes Google is making to their platform.

Control IFTTT applets with Google Home Routines

2023年7月20日 — There's some exciting functionality with the new Google Assistant service on IFTTT. Create Google Routines that execute IFTTT Applets.

Google Assistant Integrations

Integrate Google Assistant with over 900 of your favorite apps & devices to unlock powerful automations on IFTTT. Get started today!

建立指令控制線上服務和裝置- 電腦

這些服務將於9 月移至其他平台,屆時,你必須將IFTTT 重新連結至Google Home 應用程式,然後再重新建立或加入小工具。 你可以透過IFTTT 為Google 助理建立專屬指令。

Create commands to control online services & devices

Open the Google Home App Google Home . · At the top left, tap Add and then Set up a device Add and then Works with Google. · Under Linked devices, tap IFTTT and ...

使用IFTTT和Google Home Alexa服務來控制SwitchBot設備 ...

2019年11月1日 — 現在,您可以說一個簡單的短語,並要求Google助理控制您的任何SwitchBot設備或家用電器。

Use Google Assistant to Turn a Light On and Off

IFTTT interfaces directly with Google® Assistant to understand your speech ... 3) Enter Google Assistant in the search bar and select Google Assistant as your ...

