Create events by clicking in the calendar

Easytopersonalizeandeveneasiertouse,CheckerPlusislikenormalGoogleCalendaronsteroids(inagoodway!)...SendtoCalendar-for ...,CheckerPlusforGoogleCalendar.Notifications.Settinghowmuchtimepriortoaneventthepopupshouldappear.Turnoffnotificationforsomeca...。參考影片的文章的如下:


14 must-have Google Calendar extensions (tried & tested)

Easy to personalize and even easier to use, Checker Plus is like normal Google Calendar on steroids (in a good way!) ... Send to Calendar - for ...

Checker Plus for Google Calendar - FAQ

Checker Plus for Google Calendar. Notifications. Setting how much time prior to an event the pop up should appear. Turn off notification for some calendars.

Checker Plus for Google Calendar

評分 5.0 (2,300) See your next meetings and the current date on the icon, get desktop event reminders, add events from the popup in month, week or agenda view without ever ...

Checker Plus for Google Calendar 行事曆桌面即時提醒強化套件

「Checker Plus for Google Calendar」是一款功能強大的Google Chrome瀏覽器擴充套件,從套件的名字就可以知道它的作用是:強化Google日曆重要約會事件的提醒功能!

Checker Plus for Google Calendar™

See your next events, get meeting notifications and snooze events without opening the Google Calendar page! 100 times more powerful than regular calendar ...

Checker Plus for Google Calendar™

從圖示上看到今天的日期與您之後的活動,以桌面通知提醒,不需開啟網站便可從彈出視窗新增活動,以月、週或待辦事項模式檢視日曆,將過去的日子以灰色顯示 ...

Checker Plus for Google Calendar™


Checker Plus for Google Calendar™

評分 4.3 (118) · 免費 下載Firefox 上的Checker Plus for Google Calendar™。從圖示上看到今天的日期與您之後的活動,以桌面通知提醒,不需開啟網站便可從彈出視窗新增活動,以月、週或待辦事項 ...


Easytopersonalizeandeveneasiertouse,CheckerPlusislikenormalGoogleCalendaronsteroids(inagoodway!)...SendtoCalendar-for ...,CheckerPlusforGoogleCalendar.Notifications.Settinghowmuchtimepriortoaneventthepopupshouldappear.Turnoffnotificationforsomecalendars.,評分5.0(2,300)Seeyournextmeetingsandthecurrentdateontheicon,getdesktopeventreminders,addeventsfromthepopupinmonth,weekoragendaviewwithoutever...